**sorry guys I'll have to get back to you one at a time. drowning in work/data**
lol! Yes, I have more than 1048576 rows, but only 13 columns. It's daily trading data, which intrigues me, but could be boring to others. And it's as "real life" as it gets! To me, there's nothing as exciting as the rockin' and rollin' world of the markets

Learning how to analyse them is another story entirely!
The data are all constants, stored in a "flat file," no operations, publicly available data, that I would like to analyse for trends (haven't gotten that far since I can't even get it all into one place!)
I don't know what a millionaire sheet is...I failed the Google search test
a) My database w only one table is about 80Mb? since I have a few queries and a form or two, it balloons to 116Mbs. The forms take a LONG LONG time to load and crash a lot.
I exit out of all programs except for Access. I have an Intel dual core 2.54GHz, 4G Ram (3.45 usable), 32-bit OS, running Windows 7 Pro, and Office 2007.
Think I need more processing power or more RAM?
b) I'm sure the downloading process could be automated, unfortunately I don't know how to write macros

like think the last time I tried, I didn't know how to ask excel to go to an ftp site. so I used a bulk downloader and got all the daily files, but then I didn't know how to ask excel how to open the workbook (using a "wildcard"?? maybe) without giving it the actual filename. And even if i was willing to do that each year has ~253 days. I would have had to copy/paste the same code 253 times?? because I don't know how to create a "loop." And supposing I did manage to figure that out, the xls has two sheets and the sheet I want has no date column and a sheet w consolidated date, but no dates is pretty useless to me
I understand this is all elementary stuff, and I totally WISH I had enuf time to sort it all out, but unfortunately I don't.
here is the site if you care to look at it: ftp[dot}cmegroup[dot]com/daily_volume
currently, I just manually manipulate the data in excel, getting it uniform so that I can go into Access to import it into my data. In order to analyse the data I go back to excel and "connect" back to my Access table or query to get it into a pivot table.
It's totally inefficient, but it's the best I could come up w alone. I'm totally self-taught

Amazingly enuf, English majors don't use excel/access a lot. I think I used wordperfect throughout uni! I'll check out your links later today!
And I have aspirations of learning Matlab!! but have to learn how to walk before I run, eh?
PS> OMG! you make me feel OLD! you asked your parents! *palm/face*
PPS> THREE cases of Carlsberg!! that's a 200% mark-up! where/when do you live? Even Venezuela's rate of inflation is south of 30%...you must live in Weinmar Germany! hehe
any all help is appreciated! just knowing that there are answers out there makes me happy!