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Analysis On Graph


I have three graphs & i want to toggle it on radio button

Please help me in this topic

All three graphs has different ranges.

You can use Camera tool for that. Follow this link. go to page 126. It explains the way to show picture by selecting it's name. Same logic you can apply for your charts.


or you can also upload your workbook with charts by replacing your original data with some dummy data. Someone or other will definitely help you.
Hi Shailyog,

i have tried but still not resolve.

& i want to upload my workbook but i don't know how to upload?

can u help me?
Thanx Shailyog


Here is my workbook & in this workbook when I select any option according to that display my graph in blank region
Here is the chart as you wanted:


How it works:

First i Created Cell A1 as linked cell for radio buttons. This shows the value of the radio button selected. you can give the font color white to hide it.

Second I aligned all the charts at same distance with same width. Every chart is 18 rows X15 columns wide and there is no gap between two chart areas.

Next is I selected the area of first chart and then used Camera tools and then clicked on the output area. It gives the picture link of first chart.

Next I created the a name range "Chart_Area" using offset function. This you can see in Name manager. This gives the area to be displayed in Picture link of chart depending upon the option selected.

The last step is to assign the name range to picture link. Select the picture link and click on formula bar. Remove the reference given there and typed "Chart_Area".

your chart is ready. little bit of formatting may be required to make the transition smooth. Have to leave so dnt have time to do it. try it.

Feel free to ask any doubt.

Have a nice weekend. Time to go home.