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An =IF Date question

Hi Pablo

My name is Theo,

I have uploaded a new version of the file with what I managed to put together regarding the average for the month

See rows B38 & B39 on both tabs.

it is the MD divited by the elapsed days on WS1 & the OMD on WS2

The link: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0Bx4FkeIop9stamQtalF3MlFZYTA


Thank you for your reply.

You got it right...it seems to be a screen resolution problem.

I will wait for your updated version to get it fit to my screen :)

You can also send it to my email ID as well (pharmacyjukaushik@yahoo.com).

Most interestingly, I had one of my friends with same name (Pablo) when I was studying in university (3 years back). He was from France,Bordeaux. Unfortunately,I do not have any contact with him now. So I am quite familiar with this name "Pablo" (humble)...

From now onwards, can I call you as "Pablo Sir"?

And I want to apologize once again for the way the first conversation we had, wherein perhaps, I should not react in that way....Sorry for that again Pablo Sir...

Waiting for your updated file...

Best regards,

Hi, kaushik03!

Sorry again for the resolution issue, got and recorded your email, and of course you can call me like that or as you wish, I read you and know about your politeness so I don't think I'd regret it in the future. I appreciate you calling me Pablo Sir, it's a much more respectable manner than those used in my country (just the nick or the name only), but it's all Ok if you still go on with the actual. And no need to apologize for our first conversation, if you didn't mention it I've forgotten all about it: as I told you, just slightly different perceptions because of my use of English.

Regards, Athos! (Debraj Roy should be Aramis and Pucha Porthos, because of the initials)
Hi, kaushik03!

Here's the link to the updated file, feel free to make any comments, thank you for the interest:


Hi, thpoulos!

Sorry for having missed your last comment, I'm just downloading your workbook.

May I suggest changing formulas in column E and F (for both 2 first sheets), let say E31 and F31 cell, from:

=REPETIR("|";C31/1000) -----> in english: =REPT("|",C31/1000) -----> D31 in 2nd


=SI.ERROR(REPETIR("|";C31/1000);"") -----> in english: =IFERROR(REPT("|",C31/1000),"") -----> D31 in 2nd

So you'd avoid displaying the #¡VALUE! error.


PS: I apologize for the late reply, I didn't see your post :(
SirJB7 (Pablo Sir),

Thank you for providing the updated file.

I will definitely look into this in detail, understand the tool and share my comments...

Best Regards,



Thanks for your interest and good will.

May I suggest you to continue in the related topic or please start a new one? We're abusing of the one opened by thpoulos and we're out of topic scope.

Surely Pablo Sir and I , indeed, 100% agree with you on your suggestion.

Going forward, related to this topic( the tool you have shared), I will share my words in the following link where you have already started receiving overwhelming response from people across the world.


But please expect lot of questions from me as well; because I am in the very initial phase of my VBA learning but really learning a lot from this forum...

