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Alternative for if condition



I have posted an excel file containing if condition. I would like to reduce the formula as it is so lengthier in "B9". Is there any alternative formula for the same. Need ur advice.



  • Book 1.xlsx
    7.8 KB · Views: 7
Hi Ganesh ,

In fact your IF formula is slightly wrong , which is because enough testing has not been done.

When ever you write a formula , test it with as much data as possible ; there are three kinds of data you should use for testing purposes :

1. Valid data or normal data , which will occur in the course of usage

2. Abnormal data , which will never happen in the course of usage , but may happen because of user error ; such abnormal data should be caught , and should not result in a normal result

3. Boundary data , which is the lower and upper limits of individual ranges and well as the overall range.

When you test your data in this fashion , you will see that the original formula had the following highlighted error :


Test your original formula with a value such as 333.
