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Altering axes of line and scatter charts


New Member
I'm having a tough time finding a way to correctly format the x- and y-axes according to APA style (American Psychological Association).

First, the zero y-axis value must be raised off the x-axis. For example, if you have days of the week on the x-axis, and number of times a student speaks in class on the y-axis, days when a student speaks in class zero times, the data point should NOT be exactly on the x-axis, but slightly above it. This much is easily accomplished by going to format axis and changing the "horizontal axis crosses" value to something lower than zero, but the value lower than zero is added to the y-axis, which is contrary to APA style. When the data exclude negative values, they can't be displayed on the y-axis.

So far, all solutions that I've found have broken additional APA formatting rules. For example lowering the minimum y-axis value also makes the y-axis extend lower in the chart than the values of the x-axis.

I hope this makes sense, and that someone can help me. If anything needs clarification, I'd be happy to provide it. It's starting to seem like the controls that I need just don't exist, but I find that hard to believe. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help!
Can you post your data somewhere?

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I'm just using random data for an example to give to my class. I could send you a graph with labels and arrows indicating the problems I'm having, if that would help.