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All possible combination


I have 4 one column tables
TableA from 1 to 20
TableB from 1 to 5
TableC from 1 to 7
TableD from 1 to 3

All these tables can EXPAND.

I need to create TableAB with all possible COMBINATIONA but no duplicates
Same for TableBC, TableCD.

In case you wonder I am trying to create test data to test Access Database
Good question, Yes I meant permutation not combination because 2 & 3 is the not same as 3 & 2
These tables are indexes. I need x to the power of y in my case y is 2
Needless to say the resulting TableAB is two columns ...etc

Thank you for the correction....
Thanks for the link....I modified it and it worked.
One correction about "my" math....The permutation is the product and not the Exp.!!!!!!
So, for TableA of 3 and TableB of 5 I get 15 possible permutations and not x to the power of y !!!!!
Here what I did

Sub Process()
Dim TableARow As Long
Dim TableBRow As Long
Dim OutputRow As Long
Sheet1.Cells.Clear 'Get rid of any previous values
OutputRow = 1
Sheet1.Cells(OutputRow, "A") = "TableA"
Sheet1.Cells(OutputRow, "B") = "TableB"
TableARow = 2 ' Allow for Headings in Row 1
Do Until Sheet2.Cells(TableARow, "A") = ""
TableBRow = 2 ' Allow for Headings in Row 1
Do Until Sheet3.Cells(TableBRow, "A") = ""
OutputRow = OutputRow + 1
Sheet1.Cells(OutputRow, "A") = Sheet2.Cells(TableARow, "A")
Sheet1.Cells(OutputRow, "B") = Sheet3.Cells(TableBRow, "A")
TableBRow = TableBRow + 1
TableARow = TableARow + 1
End Sub
Just a word: I've done a similar project at least a half dozen times over the last 2 years or so. Doing it with excel works, but the absolute fastest way to get it done is access.