Hi all,
I have been working on a data entry project in Excel. I have a Data Entry worksheet that has about 13 columns.
some of the headers are:
Indicator Name
Indicatory Category
Unit Group
Base Rate
Calculated Rate
This worksheet will get very long since the user will enter several indicators for each month.
I have several other worksheets that get populated by this data automatically by using very long formulas. One of the worksheets is a Dashboard/Scorecard for these indicators.
On the dashboard I have the indicators listed in a column and the months/quarters in a row at the top.
If I want to print out the Numerator/Denominator carriage return Rate the formula would look like this”
( I know the month can be combined with the year using TEXT but I find this a little easier to manage)
What makes this even more complicated is that I also have conditional formatting for Green, Yellow, Red based on the value of the Rate.
This must be in every cell and its very hard to maintain.
So even thought I can copy this formula horizontal the month will increment correctly , then I can copy vertical and the indicator names will increment correctly . I still find myself having to edit each cell because I cannot always drag this to adjunct cells.
There are several areas where I feel like I have created a nightmare to maintain.
Any advice to make this easier to maintain and manage?
What are my options.
I have been working on a data entry project in Excel. I have a Data Entry worksheet that has about 13 columns.
some of the headers are:
Indicator Name
Indicatory Category
Unit Group
Base Rate
Calculated Rate
This worksheet will get very long since the user will enter several indicators for each month.
I have several other worksheets that get populated by this data automatically by using very long formulas. One of the worksheets is a Dashboard/Scorecard for these indicators.
On the dashboard I have the indicators listed in a column and the months/quarters in a row at the top.
If I want to print out the Numerator/Denominator carriage return Rate the formula would look like this”
( I know the month can be combined with the year using TEXT but I find this a little easier to manage)
What makes this even more complicated is that I also have conditional formatting for Green, Yellow, Red based on the value of the Rate.
This must be in every cell and its very hard to maintain.
So even thought I can copy this formula horizontal the month will increment correctly , then I can copy vertical and the indicator names will increment correctly . I still find myself having to edit each cell because I cannot always drag this to adjunct cells.
There are several areas where I feel like I have created a nightmare to maintain.
Any advice to make this easier to maintain and manage?
What are my options.