Hi! Desperate to learn Excel better - I stumbled onto this site about a year ago & I love the newsletters and information, thank you!
I need to complete a project for work and would appreciate any help or suggestions. I'm responsible for editing and creating our company's technical specificiations document. I'd like to convert this 2010 Word doc into a 2010 Excel Doc. Primary reason is that the Specs doc contains many sections authored by different people which I need to maintain yet be able to combine later into one document (Using the tabs in excel would be an excellent option and allow me more flexability than currently available in word). Since it is a Tech Spec document there are many charts and diagrams (many created in excel then copied into the word doc) moving the entire doc to excel would keep everything in better alignment.
I'm having trouble formating and getting this mostly word document to fit/work into excel. Is there a way to convert a 2010 word document (then have the abitlity to edit/change, etc)into an 2010 Excel document?
I tried moving the Specs to 2010 One Note (due to the availability of the sections - accepting word & excel) but had issues with maintaining the format for the document. Unfortunately, I do not have 2010 publisher available in my corportate profile. 2010 Word has been okay but not being able to maintain the seperate sections and get them off to their individual authors has made this project very difficult.
I'm looking fowrard to any suggestions from this learned collection of individuals. Any/All suggstions would be greatly appreciated. While I do have a basic ability to use Excel 2010 I still consider myself a novice user.
I need to complete a project for work and would appreciate any help or suggestions. I'm responsible for editing and creating our company's technical specificiations document. I'd like to convert this 2010 Word doc into a 2010 Excel Doc. Primary reason is that the Specs doc contains many sections authored by different people which I need to maintain yet be able to combine later into one document (Using the tabs in excel would be an excellent option and allow me more flexability than currently available in word). Since it is a Tech Spec document there are many charts and diagrams (many created in excel then copied into the word doc) moving the entire doc to excel would keep everything in better alignment.
I'm having trouble formating and getting this mostly word document to fit/work into excel. Is there a way to convert a 2010 word document (then have the abitlity to edit/change, etc)into an 2010 Excel document?
I tried moving the Specs to 2010 One Note (due to the availability of the sections - accepting word & excel) but had issues with maintaining the format for the document. Unfortunately, I do not have 2010 publisher available in my corportate profile. 2010 Word has been okay but not being able to maintain the seperate sections and get them off to their individual authors has made this project very difficult.
I'm looking fowrard to any suggestions from this learned collection of individuals. Any/All suggstions would be greatly appreciated. While I do have a basic ability to use Excel 2010 I still consider myself a novice user.