to all, good afternoon.
i have a macro that copies data into a template and then delete any rows that do not have data before generating the report. the last row of the templat has a total row which sums up the certain columns. but when i run my generator, it deletes this row... i believe this section of my code needs to be modified but don't know where to start.
rownum = Selection.Row
Range("b" & rownum + 1).Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
i have attached the template. you will see the last row has total for calculation as well as the code module which is called "mod_generate_workbook"
Thank you
i have a macro that copies data into a template and then delete any rows that do not have data before generating the report. the last row of the templat has a total row which sums up the certain columns. but when i run my generator, it deletes this row... i believe this section of my code needs to be modified but don't know where to start.
rownum = Selection.Row
Range("b" & rownum + 1).Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
i have attached the template. you will see the last row has total for calculation as well as the code module which is called "mod_generate_workbook"
Thank you