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Adding vlookup to custom number format code in graph


New Member
I was wondering if it is possible to add a vlookup or link a number code that I put in for a line chart so that a specific number is a different color than the rest on the y axis. I read the tutorial on creating the custom number format code but because the standards change every month for what I am graphing I would like the y axis to automatically update once I type in the month standard. Is this possible?
Hi Jessica ,

Is this anything like what you are looking for ?




Is there a way to highlight or change the color of a specific number on the y axis? For example, if I have 0-10 on the y axis and want 6 in a different color-- I researched how to do it manually by going through the custom number function and putting in the code, but since the standard changes every month, I was wondering if I can have it linked (vlookup or something) so that it would automatically change on every graph. I am doing 150 of these and I would really like to figure out a way so that the graphs will automatically update with the change in month every time. The graphs I am producing have information of an employee and how they are trending over time in certain categories of criteria. I tried putting a line in, but since I am creating a line chart with multiple criteria I thought by just changing the colors of the numbers on the y axis to match up with the line color would be best. I hope this isn't too confusing...
Unfortunately no. Microsft has not provided a nice way to link chart axis controls to cell contents. You might be able to get the desired effect by writing a short macro that could loop through all your charts and color the appropriate value.

an alternate idea would be to build a fake y-axis that is actually composed of some dummy series. You would have a dummy series for each regular series, and then you could color each one appropriately and just have it's x values be 0 so that it appears to be the y-axis. Just a crazy thought, not sure if it will work for your application.

It is quite easy to setup a specific color for an individual number on the Y Axis

Refer: http://chandoo.org/wp/2011/08/19/selective-chart-axis-formating/


Ok, thank you everyone for your help! It looks like it will be too much to do for 150 reviews each month.