Adding the values of columns if the Category in one cloumn has value of pass, fail and No run in other column, then want sum of Pass, fail and No Run in seprate columns
If I read the post correctly there were two questions posed. One being finding the sum of values based on a pass/fail/no run text string. Second question was to count the # of Pass/fail/no run.
Luke answered the second question. The first can be found by using sumproduct.
I want to search for Account cateogrey from Column A and add all pass for this categorey and put the value in Pass column of D similalry Fail and No run
hoe this is clear
Category/User TestCAse ID Status (Pass/Fail) Pass Fail No Run
Check out the 2nd stickey at the top of the forums for how to upload a spreadsheet. I'm afraid I'm still having trouble understanding what it is you want exactly.
Now copy K2, and paste in all the area of K,L,and M (upto how many row you required)
[pre]Pass Fail No Run
=COUNTIF($F$2:$F2,K$1) =COUNTIF($F$2:$F2,L$1) =COUNTIF($F$2:$F2,M$1)
Thanks for response, i might posted question wrongly here is what iam looking for?
I want find the category = Account (COlumn B) and want to see how many are total failed, passed and norun in each respcted columns of pass, fail & No run
For example: Categorey- Account - 2 pass, 2 fail 2 No RUn like that, hope this is clear...
The same formula is used in K2:N2 and checks column $F:$F for values in first row of each column (K1, L1, ...). So if you keep the words checking for (Pass, Fail, No Run, NA) in range K1:N1 it should work.
I want to search for Account cateogrey from Column B and add all pass for this categorey and put the value in Pass column of D similalry Fail and No run
I'm now reading your last comments and I think there are differences between your column description of and your actual uploaded file of
The difference seems to be two columns: A, Release/Regression, and B, Priority.
What you've asked about counting is solved yet with Debraj Roy's suggestion or with mine
It's a 2010 Excel version file, updated today to SP1, so I'll discard any incompatibility issue.
If you have further requirements, please elaborate a bit more on them and upload, if necessary, a new sample file including one of our solutions and your new output required, written manually and explained in detail.