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Adding Google Maps to Dashboards


New Member
Dear All

I would like to display a google map of a particular location which the dashboard will be analysing figures for - just another level of visualisation. I will have five location in total and each will be activated by a drop down menu - for instance if location A is selected the dashboard will display the data for that location (thats fine) and I will also like the google map to appear.

I have found the long/lat of each location so have the actual URL addresses - how easy is this to implement. I have seen some examples on clearlyandsimply.com and it looks very impressive.

Many thanks

This is easy enough to implement, and an example of how to add a static GoogleMap is below (these instructions are for Excel 2010):

1) add a Microsoft WebBrowser to your worksheet (go to the Developer Tab, select Insert>More Controls>Microsoft Web Browser);

2) add a link address e.g. if I assume you have latitude in cell B1 and longitude in cell B2 then, in cell B3, I could use:


3) add a control (e.g. Button1) to refresh the web browser using the code:

[pre]Sub Button1_Click()
Sheet1.WebBrowser1.Navigate2 Sheet1.Range("B3").Value
End Sub
For a quick demo of how I did this go to: http://screencast.com/t/6b23lW65U3

That's it. Hopefully you'll find this easy enough to adapt but do let me know if you have any questions.


Here's a pretty cool example........

Many thanks for taking the time to put together the demo - I give it a go and if I have any issues I'll get back to you.
