Bubble charts can not be combined with other chart types :-( Besides they do not have 2x2 property. e.g. I can not mark the axis with "low", "high" kind of lables.
Unfortunately, I dont think I can attach a file to mail or copy paste a picture here in the posting and hence cant show you the kind of chart I am looking for. But let me try to explain.
1. Let's say I am trying to evaluate my projects based on 2 parameters - complexity (high Vs low) and market segment (generic Vs customized)
2. That gives me 4 combinations - low complexity+generic segment; low complexity+customized segment; high complexity+generic segment; high complexity+customized segment
3. I can represent these 2 parameters (2 axis) and these 4 combinations on a 2x2 matrix
4. Each project has a different cost.
5. Based on which combination each project falls in, I can draw a circle (bubble) proportional to the cost in the quadrant that corresponds to this project.
This will help the management to take a decision on prioritizing the projects.
I wish I could have attached the excel sheet here.
More or less that is what I need. But more precisely the chart in attached file is what I need. (I have hand drawn it and it is not using excel chart!)