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Search results

  1. C

    Chandoo.org forum avatars

    Ahh thanks! I'm all set
  2. C

    Chandoo.org forum avatars

    Are the avatars on the forums randomnly assigned, assigned by forum contribution level or is there a way to pick one? I couldn't find anything in my user profile page to change my avatar. thanks!
  3. C

    Is there a term for those who use Excel heavily?

    I can dig on "Excel Ninja".
  4. C

    Working with Excel and Win7 XP mode

    What version of Excel are you using? I am on Windows 7, 64bit, and have run Excel 2007 previously on my machine and now I am on Excel 2010. You likely have some system issue with your machine going on which is preventing Excel from working properly. Are others in your company/environment...
  5. C


    PivotTable is the way to go. You can then get Counts and/or Sums grouped by the document numbers fairly seamlessly.
  6. C

    If Function Help Please !!!

    If you only have Hourly and Salary as values in Column E, then Niting's forumla should work for you. But if you have other pay types (like Modified Salary, say for someone who does not work 40 hours a week). Then you'll need to keep nesting the IF stmt...
  7. C

    excel question - please reply me at akhilesh.gupta1971@gmail.com with solution.

    You could also create a macro using the steps provided by LukeM and assign it to an unassigned keyboard combo like CTRL-E, CTRL-J, CTRL-M, etc, and that will give you your keyboard shortcut
  8. C

    Excel 2010 Getting Rid of Accounting Format In Pivot Tables

    I'll take a stab at this . . . Is it possible that you have some conditional formatting applied in the Pivot table? If you access the File menu and then Options > Language, do have any additional language packs installed?
  9. C

    Filter or sort the data in a column that has different dates and blank cells.

    Actually what you can do is create the following formula using the SUBTOTAL function. =SUBTOTAL(2,(A2:A20001)) Since you are using Dates, the "2" in the first parameter should work for you. If you wanted to count text values, use "3" in the second parameter. SUBTOTAL works great for...
  10. C

    Brackets or Tournament Help

    Have you checked out the tournament templates provided by Microsoft here: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/templates/CT010143548.aspx One of these might get you started in the right direction. It sounds like you want a double-elimination format type of tourney, where each racer has 5 cars...
  11. C

    Charts are duplicated upon Save

    Here is a before and after snapshot of the list of objects on one of my worksheets. http://bit.ly/gmc4sv LEFT IMAGE: - The items blocked off in GREEN are the valid objects on the worksheet - The items blocked off in RED are the duplicate objects that are created after the SAVE /...
  12. C

    Charts are duplicated upon Save

    Thanks Hui. I looked through the VBA and did not find any code at all in the workbook. This particular workbook that demonstrates the issue was created from scratch with no macros or VB code. I had hoped that if I started a worksheet from scratch the problem would go away. It didn't. It...
  13. C

    Charts are duplicated upon Save

    Background: - My Excel workbookeetile has numerous worksheet tabs containing weekly call center data. There are formulas and values in each of the tabs. - I have one tab that contains summary data and 3 charts. There are no links to the weekly data since I manually calculate and paste the...
  14. C

    Check Digit Calculator (Mod 10) for an unbounded number Formula

    There seems to be a good discussion and solution here: http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/showthread.php?t=58519 Hope that helps.