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Search results

  1. G

    Validate for one of multiple criteria in a row

    Xiq - that worked too. Two totally different solutions but with the same result. I never would have thought to use either approach. Thank you for your input.
  2. G

    Validate for one of multiple criteria in a row

    Chirayu - You are a champion and a scholar. Thank you very much!
  3. G

    Validate for one of multiple criteria in a row

    This seems so simple yet my formula isn't working - so I must be going about this the wrong way. I have a row of data from column B to column Z: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H... If the row contains an "A" or an "H" (or any other value) I would like to simply show a "1" in the current cell - A1. My...
  4. G

    Data validation list > multiple criteria

    Scratch that. I got it. Thanks Azumi - you rule!
  5. G

    Data validation list > multiple criteria

    Azumi - This works if the data is on the same page. I can't get this to work if the data is on two separate worksheets. For example, the Part = 3 and Code = A information is on one worksheet and the description is on another. I get an #N/A message. I'm using named ranges also. Any ideas?
  6. G

    Data validation list > multiple criteria

    Hi experts - Is it possible to display a data validation list based on multiple (2) criteria? Using the data below as an example, suppose I want to display a data validation list based on Part = 3 and Code = A. The resulting data validation list should be cat, dog, cow. Similarly, if Part = 4...
  7. G

    Uber-dynamic data validation menu - possible?

    Is it possible to create dynamic data validation menus without named ranges? Here's my situation: I have a data-connection from SharePoint that provides me with certain data on one worksheet. ProgramID, Program Name, Program Description, etc. On another worksheet, I have a second set of related...
  8. G

    Calculations across columns vs. single column

    That's brilliant. Thank you so much!
  9. G

    Calculations across columns vs. single column

    Hui - First of all that's genius and that works if I want to sum all of the columns but is there a way to get *exclusive* results? So, if the VC1 column is true then display 1 OR if VC2 column is true then display 2 OR if VC3 column is true then display 3? Again, I realize there are...
  10. G

    Calculations across columns vs. single column

    Hi - Yes. This spreadsheet is a mod of the vacation tracker that I have re-purposed. On the Tracking worksheet, Column P, row 60 there is a SUMIFS formula which works fine enough but it also needs to to check all the values in columns N and O (not just M) and populate the respective field...
  11. G

    Calculations across columns vs. single column

    Hi - There is a great posting of a vacation dashboard here: http://chandoo.org/wp/2013/01/24/employee-vacations-tracker-dashboard/ This solution stores all of the vacation information in a single column, that is the vacation type, start date, and end date are in their own respective single...
  12. G

    How to extract data from a table based on multiple criteria

    A formula - not VBA. Essentially, I am looking hoping to just have a page that has all the data without the need to filter anything. I intend to create a page that has divisions by state.
  13. G

    How to extract data from a table based on multiple criteria

    That's a nice option. Can you think of a programmatic method?
  14. G

    How to extract data from a table based on multiple criteria

    Hi - I have posted a sample file here: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B2V4Nkca2ASFUkV5TVBxSzlLaVU/edit?usp=sharing Suppose I have 3 columns of data. ColA = City ColB = State (50 U.S. States) ColC = Name How would I get ALL of the names, from ColC, based on required criteria of B and...
  15. G

    Nested Index Match with multiple criteria - possible?

    Jai - Thanks! That was way more easy than I thought it would be. Awesome.
  16. G

    Nested Index Match with multiple criteria - possible?

    Hi - I have posted a sample file here: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B2V4Nkca2ASFby1vcDMtNWN4UjA/edit?usp=sharing Suppose I have a budget with a list of tasks that will be worked on. Each month, costs related to this list of tasks come in. Is there a way to roll-up the costs associated with...
  17. G

    Search text for pattern and return numeric value - IF formula?

    NARAYANK991 - That's genius! Thanks so much
  18. G

    Search text for pattern and return numeric value - IF formula?

    Suppose in column A I have text of various lengths like the following ... A 1: ... ... B 3: ... ... F 9: ... ... D 1: ... ... C 2: ... ... A 4: ... In column B I would like to display the numeric value before the ":" only if I find A, B, or C prior to the numeric value. D and F would...
  19. G

    Display all values that meet certain criteria only - not pivot table

    Hi - I have posted a sample file here: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B2V4Nkca2ASFSXlQWWdFWm0zV2c I have a table in the second worksheet with misc values. In the first worksheet I would like to list all the values from the second that meet certain criteria - like a cross tab query. For...
  20. G

    Display certain values in table

    I have posted a sample file here: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B2V4Nkca2ASFSXlQWWdFWm0zV2c I have a table in the second worksheet with misc values. In the first worksheet I would like to list all the values from the second that meet certain criteria - like a cross tab query. I have used...
  21. G

    Display certain values in table

    If I have 4 columns of data, see example below, is it possible to reference values within this data that meet certain requirements? For example, show in a column values from Course (Col1) that are from Term BBB (Col2) and Year YYY (Col3). I have tried index + match but without success. Col1...
  22. G

    Advanced Data Validation > dynamic list menu

    Is it possible to have a dynamic drop down list menu that displays criteria based on a cell reference? For example: Col1_____Col2_____Col3 A________1________Based on A2, menu would display 1,2,3 (A values from Col2) A________2________Based on A3, menu would display 1,2,3 (A values from Col2)...
  23. G

    Conditional Formatting based on content used with a Gantt Chart

    Thanks Hui. I just send you the file via email.
  24. G

    Conditional Formatting based on content used with a Gantt Chart

    Here you go: https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=564f9597e16a0def&sc=documents&id=564F9597E16A0DEF!116 You will see there are standard gray bars that display for each person in column D. I would like to colorize the bars to be specific to each person.
  25. G

    Conditional Formatting based on content used with a Gantt Chart

    Hui - That makes perfect sense and that's exactly where I was heading. However, could you provide some insight into the logic I would use to look at the value in A1 to determine if a bar should display? Pseudo code would be something like: If I find "xx" in Column A and the dates look good...