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Search results

  1. S

    superscript/subscript a portion of data label

    hi, i am trying to Superscript the a portion of the text in datalabels in a chart placed on a worksheet. Set dl=Cht.SeriesCollection(j).DataLabels dl(i).Characters(Start:=LStart, Length:=1).Font.Superscript =msoTrue but it seems to Superscript the entire data label text. Also it seems to...
  2. S

    INDEX array formula to return multiple values using multiple criteria

    Hi, I have a table like this: i want to populate a data validation list using a named range created by filtering values in above table on below 2 criteria: Services : Service2 Country : Country3 I am trying something like this which is not working properly...
  3. S

    Workday with non-adjacent multi Holiday ranges

    Hi, I am trying to find out a way to join a number of holiday ranges (defined names Rng1,Rng2,Rng3) lying in different columns into a single range and feed it to the WORKDAY function. however the WORKDAY function does not seem to work. used it as an Array, still not working...
  4. S

    number to character and vice-versa

    Hi, I have a table consisting of 2 columns: blockquote Cell Letter Cell # A 1 B 2 C, D 3, 4 E, F, G 5, 6, 7 H 8 I 9 J...
  5. S

    Properly align chart to background picture

    Hi, I am trying to properly align an embedded XY Scatter chart in a sheet, to a background picture, but the chart plotarea does not coincide with the picture. It keeps on shifting. I have tried Dick Kuslieska's example to pin the chart and picture edges to worksheet cells, but it does not seem...
  6. S

    Create XY Scatter chart with VBA, align plotarea to 4 corners of Background pic

    Hi, 1] I am trying to create an XY Scatter chart and align the 4 corners of its plot area to the 4 corners of a background picture so that the chart axis points meet the background pics corners correctly. The chart X & Y axis should not be visible. 2] I want to delete & create the chart(NOT...
  7. S

    Array Formula for numbering similar nos (counting)

    Hi, I have numbers in column A like this: Col A ----- 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 I want a formula (probably an Array Formula) in Col B which will number the similar numbers in this range. Like this: Col A Col B ------------- 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 2...
  8. S

    Find Legend Key position

    Hi, I am using VBA code to create an XYScatter chart using data. As we know that the Legend Key size is too small and cannot be resized and takes the max size of the Legend font, I want to replace each legend Key with a randomly colored circle (drawing toolbar) showing the X, Y values in the...