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Search results

  1. V

    Need Help on Sumproduct IF formula

    Oh thats great and its working.. thanks a lot
  2. V

    Need Help on Sumproduct IF formula

    Thank you Faseeh what if if Array1 name is too long & i need to give = option? i wanted to use = sign to help in larger data. Vj
  3. V

    Need Help on Sumproduct IF formula

    Hi All Need help in following formula., which I have used earlier for some reason not working out Array 1 Array 2 Array3 X 2 1 Y 1 Z 1 3 Y 1 Z 1 3 For above I need sumproduct formula “ sumproduct Array 2 & 3 only if X Vj
  4. V

    Help me with formula

    Hi Luke.. sorry i think i have confused you.. Formula till =IF(B2>0,MAX(B2,X2) is correct what i need further is Min of above formula result and Z2 Pls help me Vj
  5. V

    Help me with formula

    Hello Sirs Pls help me with formula for below criteria 1) if Cell B qty >0 then select max between two differnt cell for B&X, upon this result get min qty of cell X&Z part cell qty B cell X Cell Z 9121-u 20 200 120 Thanks Vijay
  6. V

    How to pick latest date and Last date from the list

    Thank you Max and Min formula working... and large/Small formula does't help here thank you guys..
  7. V

    How to pick latest date and Last date from the list

    Hi All i need your help to know how to pick latest date and last date from the list of dates in excel example Parts Date of Arrival X 17-Mar-12 Y 15-May-12 H 17-Jun-12 Z 6-Mar-12
  8. V

    Need to help to convert .txt file to xl

    hi i have got one file from my supplier, this issues is i was supposed to get the report on xl format but unfortunately he sent in .txt file type i need to know how can this b converted?
  9. V

    How to Add Similar Formula in differnt Cell with $ (f4) condition?

    Dear xld.. thanks its resloved..
  10. V

    How to Add Similar Formula in differnt Cell with $ (f4) condition?

    hi I want to copy below formual for next cell if i drag or copy past still the "$H3" continue to be same in next cell also, =IF(I3/$H3>0,IF(I3/$H3<1,1,I3/$H3),0) how can this be done? Regards Vj