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Search results

  1. C

    Identify a Bad Meter Reading

    Hi Guys, I have a list of meters with the date of the meter reading and the value. I need to identify a bad meter reading so that it can be scrubbed. The reading may be too much or too little. Reading Meter # Date Meter 117 5/29/2009 668,597 117 6/17/2009 671,072 117 6/25/2009...
  2. C

    Down Time During a Critical Time Period

    Hi All, We have a customer that want's to know how long a machine was down during his critical time periods. For example, he places a call on Monday at 9PM and it is down until Wednesday at 11AM. Start 7/6/09 9:00 PM (Monday) Stop 7/8/2009 11:00:00 AM (Wednesday) This is the total Downtime...