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Search results

  1. H

    Fetching multiple records from a excel table.

    You are joking dear.
  2. H

    Auto Y axis limits in Excel Charts

    I am drawing process control chart with control limits. The data is to entered on daily basis. By default Excel calculates Min Y Axis as '0'. In order to have a better visibility I need to adjust Min limit depending on the minimum value of entered data (say-10% of Min. Value). Is there any...
  3. H

    Fetching multiple records from a excel table.

    It did not worked. Let me be more specific about my requirement. Sheet1 contains a table with field as Sl, Name, Course Attended, Trg Date. There are about 40 Different names in the Name field. There are about 500 rows in the table. Now I want to fetch the training record of individual name...
  4. H

    Fetching multiple records from a excel table.

    How to fetch multiple rows of a table from one sheet to another automaticlly based on a criteria?