Totalmente entender, te aprecio sinceros comentarios, vamos a mantenerlo simple. He trabajado en la hoja de excel y ahora tienen una mejor comprensión de la misma, gracias de nuevo por mostrar a mí. Siempre he tenido la gente hacer este tipo de hojas de software, pero ahora que mi empresa ha...
Hello Sir JB7, Got your message, and again I'm grateful, still trying to grasp the meaning I'm still learning this wonderful software, so much to learn. Sometimes it make my head swim. This new formula looks great too! I thank you again for taking the time to work on this and teach this old dog...
Does this help? LOL '-)
Elvis Anton Vacation
Date Hired =Sheet2!D2
Authorized 5
Remaining =C4-(COUNT(E3:I5))
Used: =COUNT(E3:I5)
Ashley Baxendale Vacation
Date Hired =Sheet2!D3
Authorized 5
Remaining =C9-(COUNT(E8:I10))
Used: =COUNT(E8:I10)
My company only gives out Vacation time no other type of perks, no sick time. It's all included as Vacations, so if your sick take a Vacation day. So how would you work this in:
sumif or hour>24 ??
In answer to your questions:
a) We only get 8 hours a day.
b) The company only give 40 hours a year to our vacation fund. So one week, 8x5=40 hours.
c) Min = 1 hour to max = 8 hours.
d) Good questions! Could use more? What do you think?
How about I put another excel sheet up and see if you...
C4 is where the total amount of day a person has for Company paid days.
C5 are the Days remaining from days taken. =C4-(COUNT(E3:I5))
E3:I5 are 15 cells that require you to input the date of the day that was taken off, it reads like this =COUNT(E3:I5)
However; I want to be able to take HOURS...
C4 is where the total amount of day a person has for Company paid days.
C5 are the Days remaining from days taken. =C4-(COUNT(E3:I5))
E3:I5 are 15 cells that require you to input the date of the day that was taken off, it reads like this =COUNT(E3:I5)
However; I want to be able to take...
I found an excel vacation tracker on the web, but this tracker only takes full days of vacation not hours, the formula is:
I want calculate in hours, not days, can someone help me modify it?