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  1. Dhanushr

    Can any one help me with this work sheet??

    Hi.. Thank you soo much for your help. I'm making some more modifications [beautification ]on it. I'll upload the finished work sheet soon... Thank you
  2. Dhanushr

    Can any one help me with this work sheet??

    Hi Column F is Just the difference of D & E [D-E], Column D will be the total of G+H+I of the 2nd sheet [Dhanush]and Column E of last work sheet will be 'J of Dhanush'. That Guess is the easy part. The tricky part will be [1] Column C, because It should show an item [eg Cement] only once...
  3. Dhanushr

    Can any one help me with this work sheet??

    Hi there ... I have updated the sheet and the link is below. If the last sheet also worked it would be a Blast. There are only 14 floors in this building. Ground & 1st floor will be parking, 2nd floor would be used as common area with pool health club etc, Apartments will start from Floor 3...
  4. Dhanushr

    Can any one help me with this work sheet??

    Hi... Thanks for all the help. I didn't forgot "Apt 12". Its because there is no "Apt12"!. This particular project is a 11 apartment storied building! How do i copy the formula to other sheets? i did't understand the last part of your post!! """Remember that array formulas should be...
  5. Dhanushr

    Can any one help me with this work sheet??

    Thank you thank you a million times..... This will help me in Soooo many levels!!! Sir JB I am sooooo sorry i broke some of the rules. but i am sooo glad that you helped me. now i am jumping like nuts.... thank you..
  6. Dhanushr

    Can any one help me with this work sheet??

    https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BwX4UcNT9198S2hOWVljcUhONk0/edit?usp=sharing I’m working on purchase and issue of materials for a construction company and this is what I want, 1. when I insert a particular value [e.g. 1] in particular cell [e.g. K7] in Sheet2, I want the entire data in that...
  7. Dhanushr

    How to get data from one sheet to another?

    "Jeffrey Lebowski". Thank you for your time. Please check the above link. that is my work![what i have accomplished so far! It's not perfect] The idea is to input data only in sheet 2 [Dhanush] & get results in all other sheets. I want to lock other sheets , so others can only see the data...
  8. Dhanushr

    How to get data from one sheet to another?

    https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BwX4UcNT9198S2hOWVljcUhONk0/edit?usp=sharing hope this works!
  9. Dhanushr

    How to get data from one sheet to another?

    And also i don't know any thing about 'IF, Lookup, VBA' and other commands
  10. Dhanushr

    How to get data from one sheet to another?

    Hello every one! My name is Dhanush and this is my 1st post. I’m working on a project and have come to a standstill! Please help me. I’m working on purchase and issue of materials for a construction company and this is what I want, 1. when I insert a particular value [e.g. 1] in particular...