Hi.. Thank you soo much for your help. I'm making some more modifications [beautification ]on it. I'll upload the finished work sheet soon... Thank you
Column F is Just the difference of D & E [D-E], Column D will be the total of G+H+I of the 2nd sheet [Dhanush]and Column E of last work sheet will be 'J of Dhanush'. That Guess is the easy part.
The tricky part will be
[1] Column C, because It should show an item [eg Cement] only once...
Hi there ... I have updated the sheet and the link is below. If the last sheet also worked it would be a Blast. There are only 14 floors in this building. Ground & 1st floor will be parking, 2nd floor would be used as common area with pool health club etc, Apartments will start from Floor 3...
Hi... Thanks for all the help. I didn't forgot "Apt 12". Its because there is no "Apt12"!. This particular project is a 11 apartment storied building!
How do i copy the formula to other sheets? i did't understand the last part of your post!!
"""Remember that array formulas should be...
Thank you thank you a million times..... This will help me in Soooo many levels!!! Sir JB I am sooooo sorry i broke some of the rules. but i am sooo glad that you helped me. now i am jumping like nuts.... thank you..
I’m working on purchase and issue of materials for a construction company and this is what I want,
1. when I insert a particular value [e.g. 1] in particular cell [e.g. K7] in Sheet2, I want the entire data in that...
"Jeffrey Lebowski".
Thank you for your time. Please check the above link. that is my work![what i have accomplished so far! It's not perfect] The idea is to input data only in sheet 2 [Dhanush] & get results in all other sheets. I want to lock other sheets , so others can only see the data...
Hello every one!
My name is Dhanush and this is my 1st post.
I’m working on a project and have come to a standstill! Please help me. I’m working on purchase and issue of materials for a construction company and this is what I want,
1. when I insert a particular value [e.g. 1] in particular...