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Search results

  1. R

    VBA Code needed to prevent data entry to a dependent list column temporarily

    I have been unable to get that to work. Can I post a sample and get you to help?
  2. R

    VBA Code needed to prevent data entry to a dependent list column temporarily

    I have a dependent drop down list that will allow data entry if the list it is dependent upon has not been chosen. For example: Column C50:C99 has the data that column D50:D99 are dependent upon. If nothing is chosen in column C, one can enter anything erroneous into column D. How can I...
  3. R

    VBA-Copy multiple records from one workbook to another based on criteria

    Hello VBA experts! I am in need of some assistance. I am trying to extract rows of data from one workbook to another workbook using VBA. Here are the parameters: Data Source: Workbook = Resource Planning.xlsx Sata Source: Worksheet = Resource Allocation By Project.xlsx Report: Workbook =...
  4. R

    Corrupt Excel File Prevention

    Hello All! I am working with an 2010 Excel file that is approximately 3MB in size with complex formulas on multiple tabs. It is stored in SharePoint V9 and is updated continually with new versions saved. Do I need to do anything special to ensure the file does not become corrupt? I would...
  5. R

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hello all! New to the site and am very excited to share and grow in my Excel knowledge!! Thanks for all that contribute!! Ron