I have to match salary increases by multiplying a current salary by a certain percentage so that the current salary equals the salary offered.
If the salary offered in A1 = 110
If current salary in A2 = 100
The percentage in A3 would in this case be 10% so that the output of A2 & A3 in A4 = 110...
Thank you all for the input. I would like to put a spin on the previous problem, let me explain:
If PBT <=5E6, the IFee = 10% of PBT
If PBT <=10E6, the IFee = 10.5% of PBT
If PBT <=15E6, the IFee = 11.5% of PBT
If PBT <=20E6, the IFee = 13.5% of PBT
If PBT <=30E6, the...
Hi all,
How does one avoid long if statements. The problem is as follows:
I'm trying to correlate an incentive fee (IFee) to a predetermined level of profit before tax (PBT).
If PBT<=5E6, the IFee = 10% of PBT
If PBT >5E6<=10E6, the IFee = 10.5% of PBT
If PBT...
Further to this, how can it be that if I get vlookup to look up another value and then afterwards change that value back to the one that I'm looking for, the answer comes up correctly but a further try gives the incorrect answer one again.
Yes, its exactly like this, even the number format is "general".
What I have is user defined occupancy rates that start at 0 all the way to 100, in increments of 0.01, the range is therefore rather large but frustrating because the lookup value is always out by a small fraction.
Why does the vlookup function give the result of the value just above the one that I am looking for. For example, a series of values:
0.448;0.449;0.450;0.451, I'm looking for 0.451 and the answer comes up as 0.450.
Thanks in advance
Hi, I have four input scenarios from a drop down box, each one will result in different values to the "Profit After Tax" bottom line. I would like to present these results on a graph without resorting to "paste special - values". Is there another way of storing output values for the four...
Hi, I have a drop down box with 3 options that a user can choose from. If the user chooses options 2 or 3, I would like, depending on the input choice, another drop down box to appear.
Can this be done with data validation as opposed to using drop down box VBA coding.
The user choices are...
Hi Hui, thanks for the post, the formula simplification works great. I have gone for the option of the common first column.
Now to the part where the user wants to define his own occupancy rates, i.e. the custom scenario. How do i go about allowing the user to define his own occupancy rates...
I have a drop down box with 4 scenarios that relate to occupancy rates over a fifteen year period. The scenarios are as follows, current, best case, worst case and custom.
The first three are easy enough through a combination of the if and vlookup functions.
How do I go about allowing for...