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  1. C

    Race Timing Spreadsheet Help

    Hi Hui, When I use command + ; to enter the function =now() the cell doesn't return the time in seconds. It rounds to the nearest minute i.e. 2:23:00 instead of 2:23:14. Do I need to use an applescript?
  2. C

    Race Timing Spreadsheet Help

    Thanks Hui for getting me started in the right direction. I'll be sure to check out http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/using-timestamp-formula-for-version-control. Cheers!
  3. C

    Race Timing Spreadsheet Help

    Hi, I'm going to be timing a running race using an excel spreadsheet, but I'm not sure of the best formulas to use for this. I think I need a start time in h:mm:ss and a finish time in h:mm:ss and then subtrack the two times, but I don't seem to be able to find a =h:mm:ss(now()) function? I...