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Search results

  1. A

    Formula bar to show result - not formula?

    p.s. I don't want to 'copy and paste special' the values to another sheet / cell...
  2. A

    Formula bar to show result - not formula?

    When I create a formula linking to another cell, the formula works fine but when I select the cell to read the output in the formula bar, instead of seeing the text / result, I only see the formula.....my outputs are long free text comments which I'd like to be able to read in the formula bar...
  3. A

    Text box in a dashboard

    Thanks. Sure, the comments are as varied as you may expect, since the original input is 'freeform text' in the survey itself. I can visualize how I would like this to appear - much like the report dashboards elsewhere on this site, where you can pull down on a particular office, customer...
  4. A

    Text box in a dashboard

    I analyze and report customer surveys. I am building reports for both executive and district office level. Our surveys are imported from a separate tool into Excel and I save it as a table. At the district office level, I'd like to build a dashboard where the office can click and look at...