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  1. Ankush Bhatia

    Master Detail data and Pivot Chart

    Yes Requirement id is field. I need a pivot table. I created a data table, generated relationships and drew pivot on top of it and it worked but I am stuck on another part. If you look closely, I have 2 sheets. Position and detail. Both have req id is field [1-> many relationship]. I am...
  2. Ankush Bhatia

    Master Detail data and Pivot Chart

    Hi All, I have attached a sample sheet in which I have 2 sheets (Position Management, Detail). For each position we can have multiple interviews done. I am trying to create a pivottable wherein I present a summary view. Basically, for each positions (Lets say 8), how many profiles are in which...
  3. Ankush Bhatia

    Excel Dashboard (Summary View)

    Here is one sample file as requested Basically the data is huge. I just a summary report for the executive for review.
  4. Ankush Bhatia

    Excel Dashboard (Summary View)

    I have an XL file to maintain the demand and interview process. Basically, client raises request for resources and there is a team who manages the demand and manage the interview process etc. I reviewed the XL and made few changes. I am stuck at a point where I need to create summary dashboard...