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  1. M

    Excel Charts

    Hi Hui, As per your instructions I copied the equation and pasted but the Qty Plot then changed as Count Plot with an additional slopping line appeared at top. What I need is that Qty Plot should take vales from Column C & D to plot the two lines. Hope you may still extend your helps.
  2. M

    Excel Charts

    Hui, Thank you for the quick reply. As I don’t know much about chart please help me again to solve the error message. When I try to enter your equation in X value Box, I got an error message as in the attached .JPG file http://www.speedyshare.com/files/23974518/Error1.jpg. Cloud you please say...
  3. M

    Excel Charts

    Hi Chandoo, I am trying to plot some graphs with a common Y axis (titled as Scale in Sheet Data). Please check the file: http://www.speedyshare.com/files/23973395/Plot-Help.xls. In the Sheet "Plot" you can see my graphs; data taken to generate these graphs are as: 1) Count Plot: - Y-Axis from...