For your example above, the solution provided by NARAYANK991 will work perfectly.
Note that the lookup reference MUST be somewhere in the list. Looking up Pine wood will not return Pinewood.
To fix this, assuming that no other studios gave the same first 4 letters you could use...
Without any examples, I will assume you want to use a value that has been formulated in another cell.
If cell A1 contains a formula / value, then you can link that value into another formula simply by entering A1 in place of a typed value.
Alternatively you can define the formula as a Name...
I get this issue alot with my SUMIfs.. Easily fixed by putting it into the following format:
I can't look at the 2nd...
Thanks for all the solutions guys. Unfortuntely I am unable to add any helper cells / columns as the worksheet is locked down in a special format.
Working on it over the weekend I came up with the following solution:
rList = The range for the list numbers
rMonth = The range of Months next...
Thanks Luke, I have already attempted that one before and I just get a "0" each time.
Although in the post you say that a possible reason the original could be failing is due to the size of array?
Would that be the same for this one which gets the #Value! error...
I need help with an array.
Basically I receive a list of data as below, and need to manipulate the data to show number of times a product is listed, by month while ignoring any duplicates in the month.
Data Table:
Products| Month
Item A | March 2013
Item B | March 2013...
Or you could use:
Where C27 is the cell containing the Store you want to lookup, and B22:C24 is the table with Col A & B / Store & Location.
Long winded but try:
=SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(B4," ",""),"-"," - "),"Small","S"),"X Large","XL"),"Large","L"),"Medium","M")
where B4 is the cell to be changed.