SirJB7, I did post them in message #51. I posted the two files you wrote with the macros last year and the new files I am trying to use your macros in. Thanks.
The best way to match them would be to compare their names and then their birthdays. If the names are similar and the birthdates are the same, then they are the same player. Thanks.
Essentially, all the data is needed because I need to line up the duplicate players from both files beside each other but they need to stay in their respective files because I will take data from the updated_rosters file and transfer it to the obsl_rosters file. But I need to be sure that I am...
It's not the names I'm worried about updating, it's player ratings from the updated roster which start at column Z and go through column EQ. I was able to do this fine last year after getting those macros but now the macros won't work.
Here are the two Excel workbooks with the macros I'm trying to use for the new files:
yes, I need more help, please. I am trying to compare the new files to each other, line up the duplicates in each, and sort out the non-duplicates below the duplicates in each file. The macros posted earlier should have helped but I cannot get them to work in the new files. How should I...
Correct. The two files I posted do not contain those macros. I opened up the original files with the macros and updated them then copied and pasted them in the new files. But since they did not work, I too them out of the new files.
Hi again, I keep getting an error trying to use these macros with two new files.
Runtime error 9:
Subscript out of range
I have changed this data to reflect the two new files in the macro:
Const ksWB = "updated_rosters.csv"
Const ksWSS = "updated_rosters"
Const ksWST =...
Everything is pretty much good, now. There are some duplicate players who aren't included in the 5,000+ you listed in both worksheets, but I can take care of those, no problem. Thanks again for all your help, SirJB7!
The problem with that request is that those files are produced by a baseball simulation game. The ml_rosters are from the updated version of the game while the obsl_rosters are from the last year's version of the game. So, essentially, those are the original versions of the rosters.
According to this link:
there are two players named Juan Ciriaco who play major league baseball. So you can keep them both. Thanks for checking. In fact, if any players with the same name appear in the ml_rosters...
a) The two files are static and will only be uploaded once or twice.
b) Yes I need to keep the first 33 lines. I can copy them from another file and re-insert them into the updated files
c) The names of the workbook sheets don't matter. I usually don't name those.
With Luis Alvarez and...
Okay, I changed this part of the code:
Const ksWB = "ml_rosters.xlsx"
Const ksWS = "Sheet1"
Const ksRng = "DataTable"
Const ksRngU = "DataUpdateTable"
Const kiColumnExists = 148
Const kiColumnFullName = 150
' declarations
Dim rngSource As Range, rngSourceUpdate As Range
Sorry it's taken me a few days to respond to this but I have gotten very busy at work. I finally ran these in my roster files and, when I run the UpdateLinked module in the "obsl_rosters.xlsx" file, I get this error:
Run-time error '9': Subscript Out of Range
And when I try to debug it...
Well, when you say there are no matches, I have to disagree with you. Most of the players on the ml_rosters have duplicates on the obsl_rosters. They just may be on different teams and have different ratings in the obsl-rosters. Those are the players I want to get aligned in the two...
Those didn't work, either. They tell me where the duplicates are but they don't align the duplicates between the worksheets. I still have to do that manually. What I have done is colored the first sheet in red then copied and pasted into the second sheet and sorted everything by last and...
Players who have no duplicates should not be included in the lists but I would still like them on the spreadsheets somewhere, either above or below the lists of duplicate players.
The players in the second workbook should not be deleted, only moved out of the list. I will have another task for them.
This is the formula I am trying to use, and I keep getting an invalid reference error:
I took out the...
Thanks for fixing my equation. I was wondering why I couldn't get it to work. In response to your questions:
a) The first spreadsheet only has 7440 players in it, and those 7440 players have updated attributes. I want to find those same 7440 players in the second spreadsheet, have them...