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Search results

  1. L

    Conditional Formatting relating to dates

    Hi Hui I've implemented your suggestion and it seems to work well apart from a couple of rows where it doesn't seem to register. I've checked the conditional formatting formula and made sure that the formula relates to the end dates, but there are a few odd ones there that won't register...
  2. L

    Conditional Formatting relating to dates

    Hui - that is an excellent solution, thank you for your assistance. I did manage a long winded work-around but this is a far better result. Thank you.
  3. L

    Conditional Formatting relating to dates

    Hi there I'm attempting to set up a record of contracts via excel. I'd like to implement a cell that serves as a reminder for whether or not action should be taken depending on the date and end of contract date (ie more than 12 months left = green, 12 to 9 months left = amber, 9 - 6 months...
  4. L

    Issue Register - last 30 days' formula

    Thanks for your help, Hui.
  5. L

    Issue Register - last 30 days' formula

    Thanks Hui - not sure how I managed to get a mixture of dates in. I've straigthened them out, and the formula you suggested works up until a point - where it reads '9' under issues opened for dates that haven't been recorded. Any ideas? (v3: http://www.mediafire.com/?73b67ahmxacls05)
  6. L

    Using Timestamp Formula for Version Control

    Hi all Recently I was messing around with the timestamp formula (see Chandoo's article here: http://chandoo.org/wp/2009/01/08/timestamps-excel-formula-help/), and figured I could use it to help maintain version control on my project documents at work. The sheet documents the current version...
  7. L

    Issue Register - last 30 days' formula

    Thank you for your kind response, Hui. I've tried your formula as suggested, but for some reason the sheet is still not recognising and counting open/closed issues for the last 30 days. (I've uploaded the amended file: http://www.mediafire.com/?d2p41tsopy3g2gz). Any suggestions? Cheers
  8. L

    Issue Register - last 30 days' formula

    Hi Hui Try this one: http://www.mediafire.com/?6d0qm7qqcrx9obs Should be working as it's showing 2 downloads; not sure what I'm doing wrong. the reason I don't want to use a data table to track open/closed is because I want to implement a chart (possibly for use in a dashboard) that will...
  9. L

    Issue Register - last 30 days' formula

    Hi all I'm attempting to create an issue register that will check the last 30 days' activity (open and closed) much like Chandoo's example. I have racked my brains and I cannot configure the formulas to track the last 30 days! I've uploaded the file - any advice is much appreciated...
  10. L

    SWOT Analysis

    Good point, Hui I will look into making some amendments.
  11. L

    SWOT Analysis

    Just thought I would post an update on the issue: Essentially I am looking to use a tool (SWOT) to appraise the ongoing performances of several key suppliers I engage with through my job. The point is to figure out what I am looking for and value most in any project and then appraise the...
  12. L

    SWOT Analysis

    Hi there I've set myself the goal of creating an awesome chandoo-esque SWOT chart in excel (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats) - anybody had any experience with this or know of any decent resources out there?
  13. L

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    I work in procurement and stumbled onto your site as I was looking for some great dashboard examples and project management tools - I bookmarked this site immediately and have been working my way through all the great tutorials since.