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Search results

  1. J

    Waterfall charts

    Actually, my article that Hui cited does not require an extra series to account for negatives. The up/down bars handle values that span the horizontal axis without any special consideration, and is the easiest and most reliable method to create these charts that I've ever swiped from someone...
  2. J

    Performance Profile Chart

    Perhaps a Parallel Coordinates chart? I have a few examples on my web site: peltiertech.com/WordPress/sample-parallel-coordinate-chart/ peltiertech.com/WordPress/composite-baseball-player-evaluation/ peltiertech.com/Excel/Charts/ParallelCoord.html
  3. J

    Conditional Formatting - Bar Graph - Based on Data Label

    Instead of one series with four possible labels, use four series, one for each label. Modify the approach in this post: http://peltiertech.com/WordPress/conditional-formatting-of-excel-charts/ Change the criteria for inclusion in each column so the column header matches the label in the...
  4. J

    Any Seinfeld fans ? - Web of seinfeld visualization

    I watch Seinfeld at least once a day, sometimes as much as three times. I usually know what episode is on within 30 seconds, but watch anyway, because there are always three or four threads, and I'm always intrigued by how tightly intertwined they are. I enjoy the stories told by the...