ok I've created a spreadsheet from some old ones and in the process found what seems to trigger the problem. In the attached file, there is one sheet which works as I want and one that doesn't. I discovered that the problem is triggered when I protect the sheet. So the first sheet isn't...
Unfortunately this isn't really an option for me, for 2 reasons:
1. I have some locked columns mixed in with the unlocked columns (to show calculated values such as the day of the week for the entered date) and you can't select these (for other reasons I do not want to be able to select locked...
I used to be able to enter data in a row in an Excel spreadsheet by tabbing across cells, then when I was finished and hit enter the focus would move to the first cell in the next row (or the cell in the next row underneath the one where I first started tabbing across).
Start in A1, tab...
By chance I discovered what was causing this for me. In Options / Advanced there is an option 'Extend data range formats and formulas'. I unticked this and the problem went away.
Thanks for trying folks.
Start in cell A6 and select/enter data in all cells up to and including L6. Use <tab> to navigate from cell to cell across the row. I have included a file with a couple of screen prints showing the validation rules before and after this process. For me it is totally repeatable, and...
Khalid, It happens on my work computer as well, which is running Office Professional 2013, but I found that it didn't happen if I don't enter values in each of the cells as I tab across the row after entering the total. I think if you enter a total, then tab across and enter a value in each of...
ok, the spreadsheet is only in its infancy of development. Go to the sheet 'Events Programs etc' and check the conditional formatting rules, you will see that there is a format over J5:K24. Now enter data into row 6 (you only need to start at the total no of attendees). Once you have entered...
I have a spreadsheet that has conditional formatting on 2 adjacent cells (G5 & H5). The formatting uses a formula to highlight the cells if the sum of their values is higher than the value in a third cell (D5). The conditional formatting works fine.
However, having entered values into each of...
Well I've got the bones of this and it seems to work ok. The only issue I had was that the data validation on the Book and Keyword fields didn't work when I had the 'Ignore Blank' box ticked - in this case it allowed any old rubbish to be entered. It's no biggie, but a bit odd.
Now I just have...
I don't want to make it too complicated. I am actually doing it so that when I have something in the fridge/cupboard that is in danger of being chucked out (such as the dag end of a bunch of tarragon) I can find what recipes in my collection use it. So I'm not going to enter all the ingredients...
Thanks for the prompt reply.
I actually thought that I would have to put all the keywords into a single cell, because looking at the index/match examples I have found that seems to be how it works.....
Hello good folks,
I am thinking about creating a spreadsheet to keep track of items (lets call them recipes) by keywords (lets call them key ingredients). Before I actually start to type in huge wodges of data I need to ensure I understand how to format it. So what I thought was:
Data Sheet...
How did you get the months to show as Feb etc, the cell format used should show just as a standard date, I can't figure out how you put the format on. Sorry for the delay in replying, I am only here half a day a week.
Not quite.
I want 2 count columns - one for the distinct number of mentors and one for the distinct number of mentees. your solution isn't showing the right count even for the combination - there are 3 distinct combinations in January, not 4. I don't really follow the countif in the...
I have been waiting for my organisation to upgrade to Excel 2013 so I could use Distinct Count in a pivot table I created some time back. I was shattered to find that I lost the ability to group dates.
In the attached file, I wish to have a pivot table that shows me the number of meetings held...
No, that doesn't do it. That will a) change the options for all spreadsheets, not just this one and b) just make the enter key work the same as the tab key, which isn't what I am after. The option is set correctly to 'Down', but it works differently depending on whether the sheet is protected or...
I have a sheet that is protected, with some columns enabled for data entry. Normally when you enter data into a sheet, pressing TAB to go from column to column, when you press Enter you go to the first column (or the column you started in) in the next row. However, with my protected sheet...
OK, I see what you are saying. As the dates being grouped are already dd/mm/yyyy, I would have thought that they would show in the correct order in the pivot table. However, what you said made me think, so now I have grouped the dates by both month and year in the pivot table. Looks a little...
I'm back again, having done nothing on this report for some time I am now trying to finish it off. My report is based on financial years, which in Australia run from 1 July to 30 June. When I group the dates, I find that a date for, say, May 2013 appears in the pivot table before a date for July...
ok, I've just reread Smallman's post, and I've used his technique except used =TEXT(A1),"mmmm") which seems to work for the pivot table. Thanks for that. Although I still need to figure out how to put it in FY order, but at least I am one step further forward, and my half day is almost over this...
Thanks for the above posts. I am only working on this at my volunteering position half a day a week which is why the delay. I had thought of having the entire date in the cell rather than the month number, but the purpose of the month name is to appear in a pivot table, and when I use the full...
I am in Australia so have my dates formatted as dd/mm/yyyy. I wish to show the month name for a date, so I can set up a pivot table for the data. I use the =Month() formula to obtain the month number, then format the cell with mmmm to show the name, however no matter what my date the month...