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Search results

  1. N

    Auto update of time on a excel file on network

    Hello Luke, Thanks for your response! My purpose is not one of the above. I want to know if the child file was able to connect to the network or not. Two possibilities arise: a. Offline: In this case child file will not be able to connect and I want to show the user last date when data was...
  2. N

    Auto update of time on a excel file on network

    Hello All, I have a excel file on the network which acts as parent to multiple child files. I want the current time to be pushed by the parent file to all child files. I am using NOW() function in the parent file in one of the cells (say "A1"). Now A1 is being referenced in all child files...
  3. N

    External Table Refresh Status

    Hi Everyone, Can some one help me out with this query? Thanks in advance!!! -Alok
  4. N

    External Table Refresh Status

    Hello Again, Not sure if my query was well understood. Rewording the same here... I have a table (External Table) with connections to a SharePoint list which automatically gets updated when the file is opened. I want to show the user the time when the table was last updated. Regards, Alok
  5. N

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hello Everyone, This is Alok Nigam from HP India. I am an excel enthusiast and am here for seeking and providing excel help. Regards, Alok
  6. N

    Problem with sorting blank cells got as results from formulas

    Try returning value as "" and you will be able to sort the data after numeric cells...
  7. N

    External Table Refresh Status

    Hello Everyone, I have an excel file with an external table linked to a SharePoint list. I have set the connection properties of the external table to refresh while opening the file. Now there are two situations: a. User is offline and table does not update b. User is online and table gets...