Hello All, I have a column I10:I10000 that has a series of numbers e.g 1,1,0,2,0,1,1,1,0,2,2,0,0,0 followed by empty cells which will eventually be filled with similiar numbers. This formula works to find the largest frequency of '1's...
Hi All, I need some extra special wisdom here from you(I think).I have downloaded data that is Text, and this is what it looks like ► in the first cell ► 3.4 6.7 8.10 9.13,
next cell ► 8.4 13.5 18.9 23.12 and so on... I was able to use formulas to extract each number either side of the decimal...
Thanks very much for that Chandoo.
I love all the enhancements,designs and colour that you make to your work that makes it very cool looking and gets your interest. If you have any more tips and tricks like that let us know.
Thank you.
Hi Chandoo,Very simply just want to know how do you do those 'squiggly arrows' in you presentations? They look really cool and catch your attention when making a point ! I've tried and failed miserably and had to just use the 'staright ones'. I tried drawing freehand and they were shockers...
Hi Guys,
Does anyone know if Excel's Data Table works if the assumptions and calculations are on say Sheet1 and the table/'s are displayed on say Sheet2, because it won't work for me.?
There must be a sneaky little trick to it that I don't know maybe. Thanks.
Question to every one out there, 'What is your favourite Excel font or a favourite one that you use and for what purpose?' Also 'What is an ideal size to use?' I use mostly Arial 12 zoomed down to 75% for doing financials, also don't use the dollar signs just the number format, but the Titling I...
Hi Denko,
Also I have used a font format in the cells(Albertus Medium)and inside the REPT" " use a thick bar like this █ from the Character Map and it turns out solid in length. Looks neat as well. Give it a try and see how it goes, but there's nothing wrong with what you are trying to achieve...
Hi fellow "Seiners",
I love that show so much I watch all the re-runs and have seen some of the episodes
at least 8-10+. Never get sick of it. Almost after every episode I think I have a new favourite character/episode. One of my most favourites was when Kramer was driving the bus and fighting...