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Search results

  1. B

    Removing duplicates

    Hi Mohan, which column is representing the sec's. (<60secs or >60secs). Regards, Bob
  2. B

    IF Conditions in Pivot Table Calculated Field

    Can we use If conditions in Pivot table Calculated field...
  3. B

    Pivot table refresh

    Hi all, i have pivot table in sheet1 from range(a3:c20) and i have another table from range(a22:f40) and my problem is whenever i am refreshing the data pivot table is disturbing the below table. i need a macro to refresh the pivot and it should not disturb the below table or it should...
  4. B

    Date Conversion

    Perfect! Thanks a ton for your cooperation on this Hui! i would like to improve my excel skills can you please guide me. thanks again, Bob
  5. B

    Date Conversion

    Thank you all! Hui you are awsome. can we convert the value to dd/mm/yyyy hh:ss format because as of now i am getting only dd/mm/yy format only. Thanks for your cooperation on this. Regards, Bob
  6. B

    Date Conversion

    Hi All, I have generated a report from SAP and in the report we have Start date in H2 cell (Nov 02, 2012 01:48AM) and End Date in I2 cell (Nov 07, 2012 06:33AM) i need to count #of days in between start and end dates. for this i am using =DAYS360(H2,I2,FALSE)but the problem is the date...