I want to do as following
I have cells which has range F11:F21 now in this cell F15,F17,F18,F19,F20 are blank, now I want to copy cells F15 to F21 but do not want empty cells, so is there any way for this
How to prepare a impressive chart for Student Result and Student Attendance, which is the best way to do this task, I want to give a impressive presentation to the people in mass
Thanks a lot for your valuable replies
What is the best way to copy paste from pdf to Excel so that we dont have to waste more time in formatting, I want exact text as in pdf to be copied in Excel
Thanks for showing interest in solving my Query bobhc
I want to sort it in alphabetic order, for example Mr Helper should be first and then Mr SHYJU, because H comes before S, how to do this
I want to sort column according to second word of my cell
for example if I have two cell values Mr SHYJU and Mr Helper, how to sort this values based on second word
When I try to look at my original excel content it shows TEXT in center but when page is printed TEXT is shown slightly at left side, (my rows are merged), I am not able to identify why TEXT is shifted to left side from center
Thanks for your replies