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Search results

  1. M

    Create workbooks like a particular format

    Hi SirJB7, Thanks for your kind advice. I chose 2nd alternative and it works with the below code. Sub Michael_Create_workbooks() Dim NoOfFiles As Long, source As Worksheet Set source = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("worksheet") For i = 2 To [A65536].End(xlUp).Row...
  2. M

    Create workbooks like a particular format

    Hi, I have a spreadsheet for filling student mark details. And I am using the below code to create the workbooks that I got at here. 'Sub Michael_Create_workbooks() Dim NoOfFiles As Long, source As Worksheet Set source = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1) For i = 2 To [A65536].End(xlUp).Row...
  3. M

    Create workbooks based on given names in Ranges

    Hi Deb, How! Great! I didn't have had seen like Chandoo.org. It save my time a lot. Thanks for your effort for me Deb. And Can I select the save location of newly creating workbooks? Could you please add the below activity with that. It should copy the student mark details and paste it...
  4. M

    Create workbooks based on given names in Ranges

    Hi, Can you advise me. Thanks, Michael
  5. M

    Request to Chandoo (Key Master)

  6. M

    Create workbooks based on given names in Ranges

    Hi, I want to create new workbooks based on given names in cell A2 to A21. And in the newly created workbook on sheet1 in C5 should paste the stud no that i have mentioned in the attached workbook. Like stud no, stud name should paste in C6. Can you please help me to automate this work...
  7. M

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hi All, Michael from Chennai. Works as an accountant. The forum is very useful for all kind of excel users. I know little bit of excel and I want to know more in excel VBA and formulas.