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Search results

  1. P

    Display Message Box if calculated cell is not equal to value X

    Hi Narayan Could you pls tell me where i can amend the content of the message? Thanks!
  2. P

    Display Message Box if calculated cell is not equal to value X

    that's absolutely correct, and in case it the result is not 24 there should be a message box. Many thanks for your kind help!
  3. P

    Display Message Box if calculated cell is not equal to value X

    Hi Narayan That is correct. Column a has the formula eg a2 and the data in eg c2 and b2 is manually entered. I tried it with data validation but am not able to display a message when the result is not 24. Any ideas?
  4. P

    Display Message Box if calculated cell is not equal to value X

    Every row in column A is the result of the corresponding row in column C - the corresponding row in column B. If the result is not 24 I want to display a message box. Only one row is completed each time. Only the message box has been clicked the result of the calculation can stay. The box only...
  5. P

    Help needed with VBA code

    Hi Suresh Thanks for your reply. I found the answer in the meantime. This is how I amended the code should you be interested. 'sorts depot table largest to smallest Range("C16:E19").Select ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("X").Sort.SortFields.Clear...
  6. P

    Question on combobox

    Thanks for your help and reply Hui! I'll have to live with that then it seems ;-)
  7. P

    Dynamic chart OFFSET challenge

    Thanks for your time and help Hui! Your first formula works like a charm! KR John
  8. P

    Dynamic chart OFFSET challenge

    Dears I have below formula =OFFSET($D$4;1;0;COUNTA($D$5:$D$11)-COUNTBLANK($D$5:$D$11)) for a dynamic chart which works fine except when there is no data. When there is no data I have one column with value one and an error message saying "A formula in this worksheet contains one or more invalid...
  9. P

    Question on combobox

    Dear all Could somebody help me with below? I have a combobox and when I select one of the values from the drop down list it remains highlighted in blue. It only becomes not highlighted again when I click any other cell. For the rest it works fine. I played around with the properties but no...
  10. P

    Help needed with VBA code

    Hi I've got below code (based on the recording of a macro) which filters 2 pivot tables on basis of the input of a cell and then sorts the pivot tables in ascending and descending order. The code works unless there is no data in either of the pivot tables. Can anybody please help me improve the...
  11. P

    Help needed with worksheet event

    Hi How would I indicate to execute a macro when cell b3 in a worksheet has changed. B3 is linked to another cell in another worksheet Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Address = "$A$1" ( here i want to say has changed) Then run macro end sub Any help would...
  12. P

    Help needed with commandbutton

    Thank you Narayan!! It was set to true and I changed it to false and now it does not longer leave an imprint when pushed!
  13. P

    Help needed with commandbutton

    Hi I've got a command button in excel 2007 that leaves an imprint after you've pushed it. The imprint disappears after you click any other cell. Otherwise the command works fine. Anybody any ideas how to remove the imprint automatically? Any help would be much appreciated!
  14. P

    Pivot table: value filter on report filter

    Hi Can you add a label filter to a report filter in a pivot table? I'm trying to use a wild card to retrieve the top 10 for for example "????A". The input "????A" would come from a cell in another sheet. So far I managed to get below code Sub wildcard() ' ' wildcard Macro ' '...
  15. P

    Mulitple negative conditions SUMIFS

    Hi I sumifs'ed for these values Apples Oranges Pears Kiwis Bananas Peaches and now I would like to sum all others which are none of the above. I can manage one with eg adding "<>Apples" but i can't manage more than one. Any suggestions anyone? Any help would be much appreciated!
  16. P

    Hyperlink to hidden sheet

    Hi I'm trying to put a hyperlink to a hidden sheet but doesn't work with below. Any suggestions anyone? Private Sub Worksheet_FollowHyperlink(ByVal Target As Hyperlink) Worksheets("Oranges Sold").Visible = xlSheetVisible Sheets("Oranges Sold").Visible = True Sheets("Oranges Sold").Select...
  17. P

    wildcard in concatenate

    Thanks for you reply. I was able to solve the matter in another way. I needed the output of the concatenate to use in a sumif. I assigned a key to every condition eg apples = l , germany = k and I used a ? in case of an all value so that all values where summed for condition x in the...
  18. P

    wildcard in concatenate

    Hi I'm trying to use ""*$" in a concatenate function but excel does't accept this. The problem seems to be with the second " after the first one. Excel accepts '' but then this does not work for the sumifs. complete formula is...