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  1. G

    Using COUNTIFS with the LEFT function

    Hey Murugesh, Yea I had this idea too, but was seeing if there might be a more elegant solution but I guess not ha. Thankyou for you input though, it has confirmed my initial idea.
  2. G

    Using COUNTIFS with the LEFT function

    Thanks Hui that works Great. Do you have any advice for including 2 other table ranges in this without alot of repeating?
  3. G

    Using COUNTIFS with the LEFT function

    Hello, I am trying to count the number of entries in 3 tables that have "M5" as the first two digits by combining a countifs with the left function but I cannot make it work. My attemps (which only use one table as they are tests) to far are as follows...
  4. G

    Hiding and Unhiding Rows with Filter Applied

    Congratulations! Yes that makes perfect sense and thank you so much for your help!
  5. G

    Hiding and Unhiding Rows with Filter Applied

    Wooo! That seems to have done the trick. Thank you. Sorry to be a pain, but could you explain why the "On Error" code is bad practice because Ive heard that before from other coders, but never understood why... Regards, Gumbles.
  6. G

    Hiding and Unhiding Rows with Filter Applied

    Oh and I did duplicate your tests and they were the same.
  7. G

    Hiding and Unhiding Rows with Filter Applied

    Hi Luke, Cheers for your time. Ah yes, thats the macro that prints the charts for Display. I got that code from another forum and it used PDF Creator to run and is installed on all the Machines that use it and shouldnt interfere with the first section of code. I should probably explain how...
  8. G

    Hiding and Unhiding Rows with Filter Applied

    No Apologies necessary Luke, I just reposted to make sure I didnt forget where the thread was lol.
  9. G

    Problem with sorting blank cells got as results from formulas

    Hi Davecrt, This isnt the most elegant solution, but you could make the output: If(ISBLANK(A1),-9999,A1) Then Conditional format -9999to be invisible. OR you could put an Auto filter on that column, unselect blanks then filter largest to smallest. Not the neatest solutions though...
  10. G

    Hiding and Unhiding Rows with Filter Applied

    Sorry to Re post but ive no idea how to solve this definition issue.
  11. G

    Problem with sorting blank cells got as results from formulas

    Hello Davecrt, Have you tried the "N" function? It converts values to numbers and if it doenst match a value it turns it to Zero (which would ut it to the bottom) Try nesting it in your formula as an output as see if it helps. Gumbles
  12. G

    Hiding and Unhiding Rows with Filter Applied

    Any luck? Ive been experimenting with different types of variables but still getting stuck on defining the criteria.
  13. G

    Hiding and Unhiding Rows with Filter Applied

    Here's a link to the file, so you can see. I've checked it for sensitive information and your all clear. https://www.dropbox.com/s/9c9si34y9e987bc/ESDID_SQCDP_Test.xlsm
  14. G

    Hiding and Unhiding Rows with Filter Applied

    Yea, and its still having an error with both Criteria as a definition error.
  15. G

    Hiding and Unhiding Rows with Filter Applied

    ALso I have Changed xCell to ActiveCell as it was bugging on that.
  16. G

    Hiding and Unhiding Rows with Filter Applied

    Hey Luke, I'm having some issues with the code. When I run it, Im getting a debug error that states .Criteria2 is an application-defined or object-defined error, but .Operator works fine. Any Ideas?
  17. G

    Hiding and Unhiding Rows with Filter Applied

    Brilliant. I will try this out. I did remove the Screen Interaction when I was building the code but since I thought I had finished it I put if back, guess not though ha! Thanks, Gumbles
  18. G

    How do I post my code in the forum in same format as is apprears on VBA

    Dim Ro As Long With ActiveSheet Ro = .Shapes(Application.Caller).TopLeftCell.Row .Cells(1, 1).Offset(Ro).Select 'ListObject.ListRow refers to the table within the worksheet, 'therefore needs to be offset to change the row numbers so they match up with the table '(Ro - Header_Row +...
  19. G

    How do I post my code in the forum in same format as is apprears on VBA

    Its changing the Font but not keeping the Indent... I am puting ` before and after each line of code but it only changes the font. What am I doing wrong?
  20. G

    Hiding and Unhiding Rows with Filter Applied

    Its lost all the indentation even after I used ` to wrap each line but this is the general idea.
  21. G

    Hiding and Unhiding Rows with Filter Applied

    Sub insert_row() Dim Header_Row As Long 'First Row in the Table Header_Row = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Issue_List").Range("IssueTable").Row 'Finds the highest number in the range "ID_RANGE" ID = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(Range("ID_RANGE"))...
  22. G

    How do I post my code in the forum in same format as is apprears on VBA

    Dim Ro As Long With ActiveSheet Ro = .Shapes(Application.Caller).TopLeftCell.Row .Cells(1, 1).Offset(Ro).Select ` 'ListObject.ListRow refers to the table within the worksheet, 'therefore needs to be offset to change the row numbers so they match up with the table '(Ro -...
  23. G

    How do I post my code in the forum in same format as is apprears on VBA

    Dim Ro As Long ` With ActiveSheet ` Ro = .Shapes(Application.Caller).TopLeftCell.Row ` .Cells(1, 1).Offset(Ro).Select ` ` 'ListObject.ListRow referes to the table within the worksheet, 'therfore needs to be offset to change the row numbers so they match up with...