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Search results

  1. Belleke

    My Macros stopped working

    Fisrt off all your example is not complete, we can't do about it., a question, did you change office 32 bit to office 64 bit?
  2. Belleke

    Search in combobox product column of table1

    Do you mean something like this? Select product in combobox and see result in listbox.
  3. Belleke

    Converting a series of numbers to text format

    What is the reult you want? Example?
  4. Belleke

    Search in combobox product column of table1

    No clear. Do you search on product, date or unit? What do you mean by combobox cannot list repeated products, what is de difference between product A in unit 3 and product A in unit 7 and product A in unit 47??
  5. Belleke

    Table.ExpandTableCoumn problem

    Sorry, this is not a photoshop forum, we can't do anything whit a picture, we need an excel example.
  6. Belleke

    Change cursor to another column after find value

    This code belongs in the sheet code not in a module. Right click on the sheet tab, then paste the code in programmcode....
  7. Belleke

    VBA scan PDF for hyperlinks

    With this tool you can extract hyperlinks from PDF to CVS, don't ask me how. https://pdfcandy.com/
  8. Belleke

    How can I convert large set of text to number

    What use is a picture that no one can read? More, what does a picture in a Excelforum? This is not a photoshop forum.
  9. Belleke

    Excel VBA Object Variable or With Block Variable Not Set Error

    Try it without (delete) Or Dim Cancel As Integer
  10. Belleke

    Excel VBA Object Variable or With Block Variable Not Set Error

    What about? (Without a decent example.) ElseIf YesNo = vbCancel Then ' If Cancel clicked Cancel = True 'Exit Sub End If End Sub
  11. Belleke

    Now unable to export as a pdf [ solved ]

    You can forget PDF with office 2007, or the update from 2007. It is time you update office 2007 Something like this. https://www.gamers-outlet.net/en/buy-office-2021-professional-plus-phone-activation
  12. Belleke

    Change table record in userform

    Does this help? It is not clear to me. Push change code button instead of register. Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() Set ws = Worksheets("Register") Lr = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row With ws .Range("B" & Lr) = TextBox1.Value If TextBox2.Value <> "" Then .Range("C" & Lr) =...
  13. Belleke

    conditional formatting a row in excel with certain intervals

    Try this, Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range) Dim rng As Range Set rng = Range("B3:AG20,B24:AG41,B45:AG62") t = Target.Value If Not Intersect(rng, Target) Is Nothing And Target.Count = 1 Then If WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range(Target.Offset(, 1)...
  14. Belleke

    Code to protect Cell other than Empty

    In dutch
  15. Belleke

    Code to protect Cell other than Empty

    I am to old and to ugly to spend my time, post a real example.
  16. Belleke

    Code to protect Cell other than Empty

    That was your question
  17. Belleke

    Code to protect Cell other than Empty

    I don't know if this is what you want. The password is SPP
  18. Belleke

    conditional formatting a row in excel with certain intervals

    It has nothing to do with your language, I lost time to find a solution dat was not representative, The only thing I ask post a real example, instead wasting my time
  19. Belleke

    conditional formatting a row in excel with certain intervals

    ... Original writing has cleared ... Moderator Note: You should able try to find something positive about this thread. Otherwise, You could write eg Take Care. Belleke As written in Forum Rules: Please use language which conveys respect, appreciation and love.
  20. Belleke

    conditional formatting a row in excel with certain intervals

    You are making this difficult, for yourself why 2 tables? In my example hoover over ABC 0.25(B2 with the red triangle) or klik klik on GHI 7(D7), see the results and say what you prefer
  21. Belleke

    conditional formatting a row in excel with certain intervals

    If I don't get an answer good luck
  22. Belleke

    conditional formatting a row in excel with certain intervals

    Can you make an example (manually) what your boss wants?
  23. Belleke

    conditional formatting a row in excel with certain intervals

    Doest this help? With conditional formatting only
  24. Belleke

    Help on serial numbers automation

    Maybe something like this, your example doesn's say anything where we can work with.