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  1. T

    Report Slicer Selections (Skip if ALL are selected) using VBA

    Nvm, I got it! Dim cache As Excel.SlicerCache Dim sName As Slicers Dim sItem As Excel.SlicerItem Dim xSlice As String Dim xName As String For Each cache In ActiveWorkbook.SlicerCaches xName = StrConv(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(cache.Name, "AgeRange&#34...
  2. T

    Report Slicer Selections (Skip if ALL are selected) using VBA

    Hi Gurus, I'd still be interested in hearing any insights on this, if possible, without the file. :)
  3. T

    Report Slicer Selections (Skip if ALL are selected) using VBA

    Hi SirJB7, Thanks for the response. Its a little cumbersome to get it out of my XLSM at the moment. I will work to get one posted, or definitely if I get a working answer. The question at hand should be answerable without the file, I think.
  4. T

    date format in [mm/dd] format [SOLVED]

    Highlight the row/column or select the cell. Right-click and select "Format cells" On the Number tab Select Custom Type: "[dd/mm]"
  5. T

    Report Slicer Selections (Skip if ALL are selected) using VBA

    Hi Gurus, I need help with some VBA code. I have an AgeRange slicer and I have a working script that inserts a row, adds a timestamp, and then reports the slicer selections. I'd like to add something to this that will SKIP the process if ALL the items in the slicer are selected (True)...
  6. T

    Need VBA help making the new imported data become part of the active Data Table.

    Nevermind! I got it. :) ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Table2").Resize Range("$A$1:$F$3405")
  7. T

    Need VBA help making the new imported data become part of the active Data Table.

    Hello. I've got a successful vba script importing a CSV file into my sheet. My problem is that the data is not added as part of the Data Table. May I get some help with adding the new cells to the Data Table?
  8. T

    Formula using less than in GETPIVOTTABLE?

    I was hoping not to have to do that, but I guess I'll have to. Thanks for the response, Hui!
  9. T

    Formula using less than in GETPIVOTTABLE?

    I have 2 Pivot tables - Installs by Group, Source - Daily User by Group, Source These tables are ever changing, growing daily with new data. Ultimately, I need to figure out how many users came back today (Daily Users) that installed prior to today (Installs) by GROUP and then, by SOURCE...
  10. T

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hello all! Name is Trixits... Newbie here learning lots... I am a CS manager.