I want to swap out what appears in the PPC performance pivot, with the options of one of the metrics that is currently enabled on the ppc performance pivot in the sample.
Using Slices would allow to filter the results of each field, instead I want an on off for each field. Here is a sample file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hjb6peudn8uonp7/Reporting%20Sample.xlsx
On the performance Tab, I want to be able to toggle on Conversion rate, Click Thru Rate, Impressions...
Jefferyweir, I do not want to filter the values of each item, i want to turn them on or off as if checking the box within the field list. It would just be for a single table in regards to the values, the filter for another field is applied to multiple tables (currently using slicers)
I have a pivot chart with multiple items that I want to be able to display one at a time. Making this update in the pivot table field list area is easy, but since this is for a dashboard I would like to do it within the sheet. See the image...
Thanks! That should work, Now I just need to make the date a named range (like the dynamic chart series guide) as well as a named range on something like the medium column and I should have what I need.
SirJb7, That is the method I will be using to make sure I have an appropriate date range, the tricky part I need help with is that I have both a Date and a multiple categories, then a value (such as sales). So, I want multiple lines (series) on the single graph.
I have a chart that I would like to create with categories, dates, and multiple metrics. How do i best setup the data so that I can easily create charts to show each category as a series with the x-axis being the date and the values will be based on the various metrics (i will make these drop...
Yes, that is like what I am looking for, I would like to be able to select the keyword and engine. beyond the plot, laying out the data is also important so that I can lookup the keyword in other data sets to pull in additional data.
Here is the sample CSV:
new downloads will have the same keywords, however the dates will change and potentially the number of dates will change. when running the report there is an option for 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, or custom...
I am open to other ideas for the end format, the source file is simply a CSV of the source data tab. ultimately , i do not really care much about the types columns, the keyword ID number or the relative volume. The URL while may be handy to reference later, i am less interested in charting, but...
I have a data export that comes in a rather difficult format to work with. I looked at creating a macro and/or formulas to clean it up but could not come up with a good way to get a nice clean data output. I have attached a sheet with the source data (messy) what I thought would be a good clean...
The other thing I noticed is that it does not update when the map updates via the dropdown menues on Map. How can I make it refresh with any change in data within the data table.
That works great! Is there any way to instead of displaying a tooltip, to instead display a shape similar to the usain bolt sheet (which allows me to stylize the popup a bit more.
Thank you for your help.
I am trying to setup a hover on a shape such that it pops up a hyperlink similar to the usain bolt sheet.