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  1. P

    Adding the values of columns if the Category in one cloumn has valu of pass, fai

    Iam using Excel 2010... Still having issues..
  2. P

    Adding the values of columns if the Category in one cloumn has valu of pass, fai

    Column A: Categorey Column B : Test Cases id Column C: Status Column D: pass Column E: Fail I want to search for Account cateogrey from Column B and add all pass for this categorey and put the value in Pass column of D similalry Fail and No run
  3. P

    Adding the values of columns if the Category in one cloumn has valu of pass, fai

    @ SirJB7, Iam looking for each categorey how many pass fail and no run? Example: Cloumn B - Cateogrey Iwant how many passed , failed , Not run for this particular categorey and similalry other categoreis...
  4. P

    Adding the values of columns if the Category in one cloumn has valu of pass, fai

    Oops Sorry it is calcualting all pass but for certain categorey,, I typed too fast....
  5. P

    Adding the values of columns if the Category in one cloumn has valu of pass, fai

    @ Debraj, Thanks for response, i might posted question wrongly here is what iam looking for? I want find the category = Account (COlumn B) and want to see how many are total failed, passed and norun in each respcted columns of pass, fail & No run For example: Categorey- Account - 2 pass, 2...
  6. P

    Adding the values of columns if the Category in one cloumn has valu of pass, fai

    http://www.2shared.com/document/2rerFwtN/TCM_Execution_status.html Hi Luke, please see the excel...
  7. P

    Adding the values of columns if the Category in one cloumn has valu of pass, fai

    Column A: Categorey Column B : Test Cases id Column C: Status Column D: pass Column E: Fail I want to search for Account cateogrey from Column A and add all pass for this categorey and put the value in Pass column of D similalry Fail and No run hoe this is clear Category/User TestCAse...
  8. P

    Adding the values of columns if the Category in one cloumn has valu of pass, fai

    how can i add sheet, iam not seeing option to add excel
  9. P

    Adding the values of columns if the Category in one cloumn has valu of pass, fai

    Thanks Luke, Montery Correct, i want find with cateogrey and add them in one column like pass , fail, and no run
  10. P

    Adding the values of columns if the Category in one cloumn has valu of pass, fai

    Adding the values of columns if the Category in one cloumn has value of pass, fail and No run in other column, then want sum of Pass, fail and No Run in seprate columns Category Test Cases Pass/Fail Account TC001 Pass Account TC002 Fail F01 F03 . ...