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Search results

  1. ismailzkhan

    Data Validation with searchable drop down

    Hi Hi Navik, Thanks for your reply and suggestions. Can this be achieved with a VBA. Because option 2 works for me but giving name to each cell is very tiresome work to do as Im having 1000+ line items. Regards, Ismail Khan
  2. ismailzkhan

    Data Validation with searchable drop down

    Dear Experts, I am looking for data validation with searchable drop down. Attached excel having Database sheet with sellers list. In April sheet in Column E looking to have a data validation with searchable drop down. Please help. Is there any way to have without VBA if not VBA also works for...
  3. ismailzkhan

    Airport to Airport Distance

    @ bosco_yip Thanks..
  4. ismailzkhan

    Airport to Airport Distance

    Hi Chihiro, Noted. Thanks !!
  5. ismailzkhan

    Airport to Airport Distance

    Dear Chihiro, Wow !!. This works like a charm. Thanks a lot. Regards, Ismail Khan
  6. ismailzkhan

    Airport to Airport Distance

    Dear Techies, In a job I need to calculate Airport to Airport distance in Kms. I used to take help of https://www.travelmath.com/flying-distance to find this. As list is huge searching for each entry is taking so much time. Airport codes are as per IATA Is there any shortcut to do this...
  7. ismailzkhan

    Attendance Sheet-monthly (reference missing)

    Dear Sidman, I was unable to express my requirement in past post. My requirement is In Raw data sheet there are employee name/ emp. code and dates of a month. In expected result sheet I am looking to get emp. code/ employee name and date. As employee list is almost 500 and it changes each...
  8. ismailzkhan

    Attendance Sheet-monthly (reference missing)

    Dear Techies, Please help me in preparing attendance sheet for monthly basis for each employee. Attached excel contains Raw Data and expected results sheets. Raw data contains: 1. Employee details (employee list goes on up to 500) 2. Dates Expected results are: 1. Each employee details with...
  9. ismailzkhan

    Index and Match Problem

    Dear Xiq, Works like charm. Thanks.. It takes a while for me to understand this formula ;) Regards, Ismail Khan
  10. ismailzkhan

    Index and Match Problem

    Hi Excel Experts, Pls help me to figure a formula to lookup and match specific text. Attached Excel sheet for better understanding. Thanks in advance!! Regards, Ismail Khan
  11. ismailzkhan

    Most repeating values considering Other column

    Dear Narayan & p45cal, Both works like charm. You Guyz rocks... Thanks a ton!! Regards, I Khan
  12. ismailzkhan

    Most repeating values considering Other column

    Dear Excel Experts, Please help in getting this resolved. I need to enter most repeating value from B:B considering A:A. Attached example and desired result
  13. ismailzkhan

    If, And and ISblank Conditions combined

    Dear Narayan Ji, It works like charm.. Thanks for your help Regards, I Khan
  14. ismailzkhan

    If, And and ISblank Conditions combined

    Dear Excel Experts, Please help me in setting up a formula to get desired results. Attached sample Excel file and query.
  15. ismailzkhan

    Date +1 considering list of holidays provided

    Dear Bhushan & Somendra, Thanks for your help.. You are awesome
  16. ismailzkhan

    Date +1 considering list of holidays provided

    Dear Bhushan, Thanks for your reply. I'm very sorry as I asked question wrongly in excel sheet. I need A2 +1 in B2, if A2+1 matches with dates in holidays list then next working day has to come. for example if A2=17-07-2015, B2 has to come 20-07-2015 (as 18 and 19 are in the list).
  17. ismailzkhan

    Date +1 considering list of holidays provided

    Dear Techies, Please help me in getting date + 1 considering list of holidays. If date+1 is holiday then it should reflect next working day. Attached excel for reference. Please provide a formula, no VBA's pls as VBA's will not work due to limitation in my excel.
  18. ismailzkhan

    Vlookup Containing Similar Text

    Dear Techies, I tried to find similar type of question in earlier posts but didn't find one. Need to insert Emp code which from Sheet 2 Column B in Sheet 1 Column B matching Column A in both sheets. Problem is there is no exact matching of column A. Attached XL file for reference. Regards...
  19. ismailzkhan

    Count if condition for multiple columns and dates

    Hi, Thanks Somendra and iferror. You guyz rocks. Rgds, Ismail Khan
  20. ismailzkhan

    Count if condition for multiple columns and dates

    Dear Techies, Please check attached file. I'm looking to get results with multiple conditions like Resource Names, status, start and end date. Thanks in Advance Regards, Ismail Khan
  21. ismailzkhan

    Counting number of leave days over the year

    Hi, Your file is password protected please check!!
  22. ismailzkhan

    Gate Pass Number Generate Automatically....

    Hi Jamir, As per my understanding you can use simple vlookup to get your desired result. Regards, I Khan
  23. ismailzkhan

    Need help with team lists

    Hi Sparky, I face same problem earlier and taken help from this following link. http://www.get-digital-help.com/2010/09/30/team-generator-in-excel/ Hope this will solve your purpose. Regards, I Khan
  24. ismailzkhan

    Non-numeric to numeric [SOLVED]

    Hi Kpvaishnav, Adding to this.. you can use following formula also to remove space in at start of text in a cell. TRIM(CLEAN(SUBSTITUTE(A3,CHAR(160)," "))) Regards, I Khan
  25. ismailzkhan

    Chart not updating...

    Hi WMF, Put your data as Format as table option and then create chart. Formulas and chart automatically updates when you entered new data. Hope I answered your query. Attached a file for your reference. Regards, I Khan