Hi kchiba!
Thanks for your sugestion, but the range that I work is dynamic.
Besides that I really want to understand why the formula doesn't work.
Some thoughts:
1. For every function that I use in VBA I have to use Application.WorksheetFunction?
So, using 2 functions it would be like...
Hi Guys!
I have some data like this:
Month | Asset
Jan/10 0.50%
feb/10 1.50%
... ...
In Excel, you could just calculate the compund interest using:
=SUMPRODUCT(PRODUCT(b2:b1000+1)-1) Where the data range is in b2 Down
This formula is equivalent of...
Hi guys!
I have a doubt regarding Excel Data Tables.
I was wondering if it's possible to refer to it using a range. For example:
The formula is:
I want to make the "abcp11" part variable, using the name "abcp11" in the range B5...
Hi Hui!
I´ve already tried Ctrl C & Ctrl V but it dosen´t work.
See the spreadsheet below to understand why:
Hi Guys!
Is there something like F4 for data tables?
I can´t fix (lock) a certain column (witch contains the months of the data) using data tables. So, when i try to drag the formula to other cells, the reference that i wanted to be fixed moves.
Any help?
Thanks in advance!
Hi Guys!
I´ve already done all the procedures:
1. Calculate the correlation between assets
2. Find the top 5 larger values and the top 5 smaller values.
Instead, i´ve had no sucess returning what are the assets that match this top 5 correlations.
I´m sure that this is a problem of...
Hi Guys!
I have a table with the mensal variation of some assets. The period is 1999-2010.
I´d already calculated the annual compound growth for each year with sucess, using sumproduct formula to identify what the year is and then return only the data that i want.
Although, I´m having some...
Thanks Hui!
I guess i don´t really need to display this kind of data via a pivot table.
Altough, your solution was very clear and simple. I appreciate your help!
Hi Hui!
I've made some changes in my spreadsheet to cover all the things i wish i could acomplish.
I believe this can help others to understand in details what's the point of it.
Spreadsheet in the link below:
Yes Hui!
My main goal is to make graphs from any asset from my data base.
This way I thought I could make some pivot charts to simplify all data.
Is there another possibility?
Do you guys, that works with finance and has to publish some data in graphs, would recomend something diferent?
Hi guys!
I´ve been trying to figure out a way for calculate compound interest in pivot tables, but haven´t found anything that works.
In this link below i´ve written some observations inside the spreadsheet (v.2007).
Thanks in advance.
Excellent post Point.
I was wondering if we could bold some part of the text inside the boxes to highlight important information (like the percentage of the variation y-o-y).
Does anyone know how to do it? (bold only part of the text inside boxes)
Thanks in advance!
The main objective was indeed a row of dates, but when i saw oldchippy formula i got the idea and then modified it to match others cells.
Thanks again for yours support.
Hi guys!
I use the 2003 version of MS Excel. Altough, i need the use of formula (EOMONTH) in v.2007. Is there any way i can make a alternative formula in v.2003 to simulate the formula (EOMONTH) in v.2007?
Thanks for your Help!