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  1. V

    Need to show Amount and %age in a cell.

    Hi, I have an excel where i have to maintain month wise budget amount utilized and also need to keep a track of percentage of budget utilized. I tried concatenate function, but it didn't work. Can you please advise me a formula to derive the values as shown in attached excel Row# 4 (this is how...
  2. V

    Need a formula for budgeting.

    Anyone can please help me.
  3. V

    Need a formula for budgeting.

    Hi, Attached is my budget allocation sheet. I am facing a problem in deriving a formula for getting the utilized amount. There are 4 worksheets : Costs --> Here my Associate's list and their designations are mentioned, under columns A to C. As well as designation wise per day cost is also...
  4. V

    Finding MAX value using an Array.

    Thank you, Experts and Camps, but I can't use Pivot in my report. I have to stick with VLOOKUP, as a change in the report means loads of work to be redone. Making my case very simple, I am attaching new workbook where : Worksheet DelvStatus: Contains delivery details, from where I am picking...
  5. V

    Finding MAX value using an Array.

    Hi, Attached is an excel where few common details are mentioned in Col. A and in Col. B corresponding dates are mentioned. I need a formula in Col. E1 that, if I input any value of Col. A in Col. D1 then the system should show the max. date in Col E1. I tried the following formula but it is...
  6. V

    How to use a dynamic excel name in generic formulae.

    Hi, I use to get a report from our Testers who use to rename their Test Results excel with the current date. The problem is I have created another excel for getting a summary of status with the help of excel formulae. Since i use to get this Test execution report daily with the different naming...
  7. V

    Excel workbook name reference from a cell instead of mentioning hardcore excel name

    Attached is the sheet where under Col A I have mentioned complete path of Excel workbook which I am referring in my formula from Col B to Col F. In the current set of formulae I have mentioned excel workbook name explicitly but I want that instead of mentioning workbook name in formulae I...
  8. V

    Request for creating a master excel which refers various sheets, in it, and get output on the basis of formula.

    Thanks GraH but it doesn't helps. I need a formula which will search for the workbook at the defined location and then read worksheet name and get me the countifs of a particular column. In my shared sample file, I wish to have a formula which will search for the Sample workbook at the defined...
  9. V

    Request for creating a master excel which refers various sheets, in it, and get output on the basis of formula.

    I need help on a formula creation for generation of a test execution report. My need is : Background 1. I use to get test status reports, in defined excel format on mails, from various team members who are geographically divided, on daily basis. 2. I use to maintain these reports in 1 folder 3...
  10. V

    Multiple charts query.

    Hi, I need your experts help to generate a combo chart in Excel. Below are the details, please help me with your expert advises. Attached is my data. Column A = Client Names Column B - D = No. of Production defects found in last 3 months. Column E - G = No. of UAT defects found in last 3...
  11. V


    I am having 2 formulae for deriving UAT and Production defects... following they are : FOR UAT :: =COUNTIFS(Data!$B$2:$B$50000,"Defect",Data!$D$2:$D$50000,"UAT",Data!$E$2:$E$50000,$A2,Data!$F$2:$F$50000,"Y") say the answer come as 121 FOR PRODUCTION ...
  12. V

    Combine Pivot chart

    Hi, Attached is an excel where I have shared some data (Data worksheet) and have created 2 Pivot tables (Report worksheet). 1 is columnar pivot chart (issues reported) and another one is line pivot chart (issues closed). I want a single chart showing both pivots data. ie. a single pivot chart...
  13. V

    Count output for a range of date

    Hi, I tried using advised formula in my actual sheet but unable to get expected results. (I changed cell references and ranges accordingly) Attached is the one file, where I want it working. The actual file expectations : I need this formula to work in attached excel's PPM sheet in row no. 3...
  14. V

    Count output for a range of date

    Will the dates range have duplicate dates ? NO Will the other column , what ever it is , have duplicates ? NO Do you want to count duplicates or exclude them ? NO Upload a proper workbook which has realistic data , instead of posting such simplistic sample data.
  15. V

    Count output for a range of date

    Hi, I want a formula where I can get COUNT of specified range for the dates range define by me. 01-Jan-17 A 02-Jan-17 B 03-Jan-17 C 04-Jan-17 D 05-Jan-17 E From To 01-Jan-17 03-Jan-17 04-Jan-17 05-Jan-17 I need a formula which gives me value 3...
  16. V


    I need help on Sumproduct formula for my attached data. Here I am having Items and SalesNames and their monthly sales columnwise. I am trying to work out a formula, using SUMPRODUCT, that the result should reflect in D12 after considering conditions mentioned in A, B, C 12 cell values. These all...
  17. V

    Need a formula on Conditional Sum.

    I thought that my example will work for me in my actual sheet, but sorry it didn't. Though it worked in my example. I am sharing my actual sheet, which a Trading excel example, where my requirement is : My actual order quantity is 100000. In my trading strategy, I need to ensure that at any...
  18. V

    Need a formula on Conditional Sum.

    Hi, I am preparing an excel and need a formula on conditonal sum. The requirement is : In attached excel sheet, blue cells I need uniform sum formula which should be the sum of all values in column B between two 2500 values of column A. Eg.... In C4 the value should be 1000 (100+200+300+400)...
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    ROMAN formula error

    I expect a formula. My number goes to 7000 approx.
  20. V

    ROMAN formula error

    I checked but unable to get solution... I expect some solution here.
  21. V

    ROMAN formula error

    I am using ROMAN() formula in one of my formula. While converting number 4000 into ROMAN MS Excel 2013 is giving #VALUE! The formula which I am using is : - =CONCATENATE((ROMAN(COUNTA($P$6 : P4005)))," - ",P4005) Till 3999 it is working fine and giving roman number but from 4000 it is giving...
  22. V


    How to use OR function in COUNTIFS. I am trying to use OR function in criteria but it is not working. =COUNTIFS(A2:A10,(OR("PS","LA")),B2:B10,C2) This formula I am trying to use to extract information about how many observations have been identified by my resources PS and LA. Please help.