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Search results

  1. G

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hi Everyone, I am Shane from Texas. I use excel everyday and have used this site more off than on for the last three years. It has helped me tremendously!! Thanks,
  2. G

    How to Count number of times different data listed

    Hello, I have a spreadsheet that shows the number of items received from each vendor broken down by month/day. I am trying to get a count of how many times each vendor shows product received. I would like to get a count for each vendor showing the number of times they are listed, so if vendor...
  3. G

    Need help with If,Then,results type formula

    Wow thanks that looks like it is going to work perfectly!! Thank you, Thank you!!!! Saved by the Ninja!!!
  4. G

    Need help with If,Then,results type formula

    Hi, I am trying to write a formula to help with auditing material reports. We have chemical ranges set up with a minimum and maximum, then the actual result is entered in another column. When the result is entered I would like to have it show whether the result is in range or not. Example...