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Search results

  1. S

    Class Schedule

    https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aj1TqskjVuJPdEZhTmUwZkJhQmpnbm9NYzFwa2JNY3c I would like to enter student names on the 'master schedule' then they would transfer to the 'schedule student' sheet or to the 'indiv schedule' and automatically create individual schedules for students...
  2. S

    Class Schedule

    Hi, Thanks for the response! How do I upload on this site? Can I upload my excel file?
  3. S

    Class Schedule

    I am trying to create a class schedule with excel for my school. Right now I am stuck. I want to be able to put all the students on the master schedule then be able to create individual schedules with the teachers they are taking from it. I have tried several 'If' statements and nothing is...