Thank you for the response's very much appriciated,
but in the sample data provided in column A i have the value 1 and in column B i have value 1 as well in the formula it specifies that where criteria = 1 in criteria range 1and criteria range 2 therefore i sould get a value of 454+145
but the...
Dear All,
Can i kindly request for someone to advise me why the formula below is not working,
i am at the first column and the second where value = 1 sum the third column
Product - MS Excel 2010
1 45 454
2 45 154
2 14 124
2 25 154
2 63 55
3 63 144
4 1 145
4 12 4
I require some help in developing a MS Excel formula, an excel worksheet to filter a list based on a code.
The excel work book has two worksheets
1 – YTD all invoices
2 - By Cost code
What is required on the Cost Code
Display Invoices from the YTD worksheet Columns A to J,
Where Input...