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Search results

  1. Sajan

    Find duplicates with sumproduct

    Hello Karthik, Try: =SUMPRODUCT((UsersList=B2)*(FromTime<=C2)*(ToTime>=D2)) It will provide a count of overlapping times. Anything with a count greater than 1 would be a duplicate. Cheers, Sajan.
  2. Sajan

    How to replicate a pivot table query?

    Hello, To handle cases where the criteria for Issue and Sector are not met, use a formula like the one below: =LOOKUP(SUMPRODUCT((IssueList=Issue2Find)*(SectorList=Sector2Find)), 1/FREQUENCY(-99999, -SUMIFS(Sales, IssueList,Issue2Find,SectorList,Sector2Find, NameList, NameList)), NameList) It...
  3. Sajan

    How to replicate a pivot table query?

    For the benefit of other readers, I am posting the response I sent to Supat based on his private query to me... ------------- Hello Supat, It is best to ask questions in the general forum since I don't always get time to check this forum in a timely manner. Here is something quick and dirty...
  4. Sajan

    Find last cell that meets condition in unsorted list [SOLVED]

    Hi, Here is one more approach: =LOOKUP(2,1/(B1:B4<3),A1:A4) Cheers, Sajan.
  5. Sajan

    How to get the values with the largest sum?

    Hello, Here is one more approach to get the ID of the fruit with the highest Q1 revenue: =LOOKUP(1, 1/FREQUENCY(-(9^9), -MMULT($C$4:$H$63,TRANSPOSE(--(MONTH($C$3:$H$3)<=3)))*('Unit Price'!$C$4:$C$63)), $B$4:$B$63) enter with Ctrl + Shift + Enter Cheers, Sajan.
  6. Sajan

    Happy Pi Day!

    Hi Luke, Congratulations on becoming a dad! (I somehow missed your original post on the subject!) Even with all of the sleepless nights (and I can relate since my son is now 17 months old), it is an absolutely joyful experience! Enjoy! Regarding your age, based on your "profile picture", I...
  7. Sajan

    Congratulations Somendra Misra...1000 posts

    Congratulations Somendra! It is very impressive that you surpassed 1000 posts in a few short months! Keep up the great work! -Sajan.
  8. Sajan

    Sumif calculation difficulties

    Hi Villalobos, If your question has been answered by Jake, please feel free to ignore these questions... If not, I would be interested in learning a little more before offering any suggestions. I am still not clear on the relationship between column C and column D. Are you saying that the...
  9. Sajan

    Sumif calculation difficulties

    Hello Villalobos, Can you clarify how column D is to factor into the calculations? In the sample workbook, the explanation on the right does not reference column D, whereas your sample formula does. -Sajan.
  10. Sajan

    Finding the maximum value in an array containing one or more rows

    Hi Lori, Thanks for revisiting an old problem. I had actually forgotten about it... Since I am a strong believer in inductive chain learning, a good one to revisit! I have not had a lot of time to visit this forum recently... but I am looking forward to studying the above formula in the next...
  11. Sajan

    What kind of jobs require advanced excel knowledge?

    Hi, The definition of what is considered Advanced Excel might vary from person to person. For example, I consider VBA programming pretty basic, while many formulas require more thought. I think another way to look at usage is the degree to which Excel is used in a situation, and what type of...
  12. Sajan

    which is faster?

    Hi, If you hold down the Ctrl key while clicking a cell, Excel will automatically insert the delimiters between arguments in the SUM function. For example, =SUM(A1, B1, C2, X3) can be setup by typing "=SUM(" and then Ctrl clicking the required cells or ranges. Once you have selected your cells...
  13. Sajan

    What's on your QAT

    I have Save Undo Redo
  14. Sajan

    Software Engineering

    Hi, Can you elaborate on what you mean by analysis and design phases? Are you referring to the life cycle of a software development effort for an inventory application? Or something else? If you are referring to software development, there are a lot of sites that explain that. If you are...
  15. Sajan

    Finding unique arrays

    One thing I forgot to mention... the above formula would count a match if values are out of sequence... i.e. {A";"B";"C"} and {"C";"A";"B"} will match. If you need to respect the position of a value in the array, the above formula will need to be tweaked.
  16. Sajan

    Finding unique arrays

    Assuming the list you want to search is in A1:A4 and your lists are in B2:B7,C2:C7, ... H2:H7 The following formula returns an array indicating the number of matches in each list. =MMULT(TRANSPOSE(ROW(B2:H7)^0), COUNTIF(A1:A4, B2:H7)) If you are looking to find out if at least one of the...
  17. Sajan

    How to charge for Spreadsheet Modelling?

    There are probably other sites that describe Excel consulting, but here are a few to start with: http://dailydoseofexcel.com/excel-consulting-buyers-guide/ http://dailydoseofexcel.com/archives/2011/11/02/how-much-to-charge-for-freelance-vba-development/...
  18. Sajan

    Percentile option in Pivot

    I am not aware of a way to get the percentile info in a Pivot table without using formulas. Perhaps someone else will help you further.
  19. Sajan

    How to Interpolate and/or Extrapolate alpha-numeric values.

    Hi Sumit, Can you define interpolation and extrapolation without using those words in the definitions? Then provide some examples of how you created such keys. (Don't omit any steps... what you might assume is clear to others is not clear to others at all.) -Sajan.
  20. Sajan

    Calculate average omitting min 5% & max % values in range

    Hello, I have not checked all of the solutions above, but I interpreted the original post as follows: Calculate the average of the DataColC that matches a specific product and organization, excluding the values that are in the bottom and top 5%. The determination of bottom and top 5% should...
  21. Sajan

    Percentile option in Pivot

    Hi Karan, There may be other ways to do this, but the following is one approach: Add a column in your source data that calculates the percentile summary. For example: =LOOKUP(PERCENTRANK.INC($B$2:$B$9,$B2), {0,25,50,75,100}/100) where B2:B9 is numeric data, and the formula entered is to find...
  22. Sajan

    Do we help with Homework and Assignments?

    My two cents... I think we should help anyone who requests it. If the poster explicitly indicates that the post is for a school assignment, perhaps we can initially offer some suggestions instead of solving the problem outright. But ultimately, I would put the responsibility for learning on...
  23. Sajan

    Find first/last instance of a value in an array

    What are the expected results in the following example: 1,2,3,Two,Two 2,3,4,Two 1,2,2,Two,Two Since "two" is found in row 1 also, will the MIN row be 1 or 2? Will the MAX row be 1 or 3? I am basically trying to understand if the position of a substring in a row is relevant.
  24. Sajan

    how to sum values from multiple columns based on values

    Hi Sanjeev, Unfortunately, I am not aware of any automated ways to write formulas. As such, I write them the old fashioned way... manually. However, I sometimes use some helper cells to write longer formulas. (After I determine how the whole formula is to come together, I test each segment...
  25. Sajan

    Calculating Exact Time taken considering sunday and working hours

    Thanks for the feedback I Khan! Happy to help! Welcome back anytime!